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Gang Violence Research Paper

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Missing connection for young men and gangs

Gangs have brought fear in the eyes of Americans for centuries, however what people fail to understand is that these rebel groups may just be a connection to a person finding acceptance, guidance, and love and protection. Terry Frieden, CNN Justice Producer states that CNN FBI report claims that over 1.4 million people are active in gang memberships in America. The FBI also reports that over the past 3 years gangs have increased 40%. Some people believe that gangs are as dangerous as war, yet they fail to understand is that gangs are no different than any functional family.

Conversely the birth of gangs started with discrimination, young men, mostly men of color started to feel unexpected by society …show more content…
Carlie also claims that the gang member's they turn to be “not responsible adults” (carlie, mike).However, Carlie’s claim is false. There are many responsible role models in gangs that instruct the younger members into a well driven path. notwithstanding the fact that the police arrest the leaders of the gangs causing the public to have a point of view similar to Carlie. Witness claims “They locked up these gang chiefs and everything went haywire” (Tobin, Michael fox news). The witness statement shows that the leaders of the gangs had complete control over the gangs and allowed pace and control between gangs and society before they were incarcerated. To support that claim; Cannon, Tracy a member of the vice lord gangs adds. “Ain’t like it used to be. Back then we had a structure. Older guys would make us go to school. Even though we were gang banging, we would still go to school”( Tobin, Michael fox news).Cannon and the witness statement support the claim that the leaders of the gangs represented themselves as responsible authority figure to the younger children who involves themselves in these packs. When Cannon says “Older guys would make us go to school” is an example that they are responsible adults for the children to look up to for guidance

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