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How Do Gangs Affect Society

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Gangs and the corrupt and destructive things that they bring and lead to is dangerous to people and communities are them.Gangs are are forcing the teens and people to join them to that way of life.The rate gangs are shooting up,in a couple of decades this nation would be lead by gangs and the people behind.So this paper is about gangs and the influence and the danger they bring becasue they are very harmful and can cost some people there lives. Gangs are having a Major effect on the youth in some of our gang communities, According to Princess Kimbrough from the Indianapolis recorder,’’there are an estimated 24,500 gangs and 1 million gang members, 400,000 being teens and 600,000 adults. About 147,000 of these gangsters are currently …show more content…
After the confrontation Scott Made the Piru street-gang,the first know blood gang. Scoot and his main partner Owens started the West Piru gang. The Latins and the latin kings were the first hispanic gangs known to the world.Gangs Cause a lot of homicides,And According to one of my sources,’’Gang homicides have characteristics that distinguish them from non-gang homicides and that gang homicides are more likely to happen in public places.Chicago and L.A have the most gang related killings than any other cities in the U.S.They are held for more that 1000 gang homicides per year since gangs were formed that over half on the general population homicides .Considering these are the two cities that gangs were formed and are still the two leading cities the homicides aren’t really surprising to most people because it's common in those territories. According to A Chicago news Station ‘’Since 2001,it has recorded more than 5,000 gang gun related deaths ,compared with the 2,000 american military deaths in the war in afghanistan’’ That's why Infamous gangs cities like Chicago got the nickname ‘’Chiraq’’ because at one point they had more gang deaths then Iraq.The most common gang homicides

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