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Make Up Research Paper

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Makeup: More than just a trend
Makeup is a popular trend that has become more influential in women’s lives today. Over the years, makeup has become widely used throughout the different states. It could even be considered a household item for most women and young girls. Although in the past, before makeup was just used as an everyday item, it was made known by its collaboration with film and television industries.

Why is makeup used? Around the 1900s, makeup first reached its debut. The first line of makeup that was designed specifically for film was created by Max Factor in 1910. The purpose of this invention was to create a line …show more content…
Some people with lighter skin tones had a tendency to appear "ghostly" on TV. On the other end, people with darker complexions seemed to look "dirty" on the small screen. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014) Consequently, a range of makeup shades that were television specific were introduced to solve this problem. They were made to appear naturally in black and white as well as colored televisions. Another important aspect in the makeup world is being job specific. Makeup Artists need to be familiar in the medium field they're working in. Mediums are agencies by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred. An artist could be hired for a job in film, print, theatrical performances, HD, or Television. All of these categories require different makeup techniques in order for them to be successful. In the past, Artists had to use a number of kits for the different mediums, but in this century that is no longer the case. An example of this would be the various foundations that you can use on an actor's face for different mediums. Say an artist had a job in HD. Because of this, the artist would want to utilize a foundation with a matte finish and a generous amount of powder. The matte effect would be more suitable for that medium specifically. On the flip side, if you had a job in Television with 16-mm film, you would use a sheer application of foundation and a smaller amount of powder for the

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