Lower Drinking Age To 18

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    United States Drinking Age

    Drinking Age In The United States The drinking age in the united states should be lowered to 18. At the age of 18 you are considered an adult by law and can be tried as an adult in court, you can serve your country in the military, drive a motor vehicle at 16 and even do tremendous harm to your body by smoking tobacco, but you can’t go to the bar and have a drink. I believe there’s something wrong with that. Studies by the National Youth Rights association say that raising the drinking age didn’t

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    Old Enough to Serve, Not Old Enough to Drink

    diminishes risky drinking action and brands them into great grown-ups. Imagine being 18, a recent graduate, in Afghanistan fighting a war. What do you see? In case impacts, destruction, wounds, blood, and lost limbs are what you imagine happens majority of the time, you are correct. How would you deal with living in constant fear of your life? You would take a seat and have a taste of your most loved sort of cognac, whiskey, or wine to overlook a few memories. Americans who are of legal age considers

    Words: 1962 - Pages: 8

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    The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Debate

    Rough Draft Writing 123 Enthymeme: The minimum legal drinking age in the United States should not be lowered from 21 to 18 because the legal drinking age is in place to protect young people at a time when irresponsible behavior is prevalent. The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Debate Since 2008, 136 college chancellors and presidents have signed the Amethyst Initiative, asking that the United States reconsider the minimum legal drinking age-21 (MLDA-21) laws that have been in place in all 50 states

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    War Age Vs Drinking Age

    Some may wonder the age old question, why should we be able to serve our country and possibly die in war but not drink until you turn 21? This question has been asked many time but instead of a right or wrong answer it is more of an opinion type of an answer instead of a set answer. But there are many factors that go into this key role in the debate War age V. Drinking age, like war and drink aren’t the same thing and drinking if for fun but war isn’t. Most of the things said about these are opinions

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    Topic: Drinking Age in the United States Specific Purpose: to motivate my audience to protest for lowering the Drinking Age from 21 Central Idea: Lowering the legal alcohol consumption age will reduce the rate of underage drinking charges: INTRODUCTION I. The Attention Step A. 10.4 million kids reported drinking last year so obviously this law is not working. The average teen begins drinking at 14, seven years before they can legally drink. 1. I’m sure at least a few of you have taken some

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    Persuasive Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

    been debating on the subject of drinking age in the United States. Many people see it unfit that the drinking age in the United States is one of the highest in the world. The United States and the United Kingdom are very close compared to each other and will continue to be compared to one another. The question that must be asked is, should the drinking age be lowered for American voters, servicemen, and women. First, there are many causes to underage drinking illegally in the United States.

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  • Premium Essay

    Lowering Drinking Age

    Paper 1,542 Words Lowering the drinking age: If 18 equals adulthood, then what is 21? Imagine a world where an eighteen year old cannot get a ticket for simply having a beer in their hand. A world where young people can consume alcohol without worries of getting caught. The place I am describing should be the United States, but unfortunately many nations have lower drinking ages than we do. As a result, they have significantly fewer problems with underage drinking. Seems like reverse psychology

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    Article Rebuttal

    As a whole the United States set the legal minimum drinking age at 21, but expectation such as drinking for medical reasons, consumption at home, under adult supervision, and many other reasons do exits depending on the state. In an article called "Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered From 21 To a Younger Age?" argues the legal drinking age for Americans should be lowered because, "Turning 18 entails receiving the rights and responsibilities of adulthood to vote, serve on juries, get married, sign

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    Drinking Age Limit

    DRINKING AGE LIMITS INTRODUCTION Drinking age laws cover a broad spectrum of behaviors concerned with where, when and under what circumstances beverage alcohol can be purchased and consumed. The minimum legal drinking age refers to the minimum age at which beverage alcohol can be consumed. This may be different from the minimum age at which beverage alcohol can be purchased. Some countries, including Greece and Indonesia, focus their legislation solely on the legal age of purchase of beverage

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  • Free Essay

    Underage Drinking

    Should we change the drinking age? There has been many questions on the drinking age in the United States. Why should we be able to vote and not be able to drink?, Why should we fight for our country but we cant have a drink?. Some people believe that the age we drink 21 suddenly means that we are mature enough to handle the responsibility of drinking safely. In this short essay I will give my opinions on why the drinking age should be changed or why it should not.

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