Lower Drinking Age To 18

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    Minimum Drinking Age Essay

    die for your country at age of eighteen, can decide on our country’s president, but yet, you cannot enjoy a beer?   For most countries around the world, the minimum drinking age is 18 (Griggs 1). There are only five other countries have their drinking limit set at age 21 besides US, and one of them is Pakistan (MLDAs in 138 countries 1). At least on this issue, the US and Pakistan have come to an agreement.     In 1984, congress passed the "National Minimum Drinking Age Act" (Hanson 1). The act would

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    parts of the world the age is lowered and it hasn’t had bad results. America should lower the drinking age to eighteen. The charge you would receive if you were under 21 and in possession of alcohol might consist of being charged with criminal offenses, and if convicted, face jail sentences, fines, diversion programs and could also have to face some community service hours. There is a lot of things that are allowed at eighteen that seem to be far more important that drinking at age twenty one legally

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    you are just an 18 year old adult and not a 21 year old adult so you cannot legally consume alcohol yet. But don’t worry, you can still fight and die for your country. How can we possibly send 18 year olds to war, but not allow them to drink alcohol? To adults under the age of 21, alcohol is seen as a forbidden fruit. Since they cannot legally have it, they want it that much more. So when they are granted an opportunity to drink, they do so in a dangerous way. This binge drinking is where many alcohol

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    Madison Jones PSYC 2301 Alcoholism in the U.K., U.S.A., & Canada I chose these three countries because one of them has a drinking age of 18, one has a drinking age of 19, and the other one has a drinking age that is 21. I thought it would be interesting to compare these three countries in regards to how the legal drinking age corresponds to its alcoholism rates. To begin, the average population for each country is as follows: U.K.64.4 million, U.S.-323.4 million, and Canada-35.4 million (Graph

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    Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

    the drinking age be lowered? i think it should be lowered because there are a couple reasons. The first reason that ever since the age limit was increased there have been more problems created than solved, and the other reason is that the drinking age does not really affect highway safety. First off there have been more problems drinking created ever since the drinking age was increased. As stated by Gabrielle Glaser in “Return the Drinking Age to 18, and Enforce it.” Raising the drinking age

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    Drinking Age Research Paper

    The United States of America states that the legal drinking age be 21, however, this wasn’t always the case for America. After World War II, the young soldiers that retuned from the war wanted to feel more involved with the country, thus, changing the laws of the drinking and voting age to 18. In July 17, 1984 Ronald Reagan signed into law that the Uniform Drinking Age Act mandating all states to adopt 21 as the legal drinking age within 5 years ("MADD - History."). The reasons for this change was

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    Drinking Age Debate

    | How Old is Old Enough? | Drinking Age | | | 11/11/2011 | How old is old enough to have an alcoholic beverage? | How Old is Old Enough? The legal drinking age is a topic that has come up for, and will continue to come up for, many years. The main question that needs to be answered is what is it that determines when a person is able to drink. Should we continue to base the drinking level on age or should we look at other characteristics. Those enrolled in the military have

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    The Effects of Raising or Lowering the Legal Drinking Age

    Lowering the Legal Drinking Age The debate about whether the legal drinking age should be raised or lowered is a common debate in the public domain. The decision on what age one begins drinking is determined by various factors which involve the gene combination of the person and the immediate environment around the person (Vingilis and Smart 415). For instance, the changes that adolescents go through in their biology and physiology can influence the age at which they start drinking alcohol. The behavior

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    Devyn's Speech On Lowering The Drinking Age

    persuading the audience to realize that the drinking age in America should be lowered. He argued that if the drinking age were lowered there would be less binge drinking, which is extremely prevalent on college campuses. I think that his topic was relevant to his audience because college students do drink over the weekend, even if they are underage, and they need to be made aware of the dangers that come with binge drinking. Also, he argued that if the drinking age were lowered, there would not be a need

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    Why The Drinking Age Should Be Higher Essay

    Why the Drinking Age Should be Higher Currently The drinking age in the United States is 21 years of age. More and more people are fighting for the drinking age to be lowered to 18 and in some cases even lower, but is it actually going to do any good? The drinking age should be increased to 25 because it will decrease the amount of car accidents and implement more responsibility amongst the youth. By doing so, it will also help reduce/prevent sexual assault, and make students focus more on their

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