Critical Thinking April 20, 2015 Drinking Age Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to 18 years old? I think that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 years old. There are some interesting subjects that oppose my thinking that can be argued to be true. First, lowering the drinking age would be medically irresponsible. Second, lowering the drinking age would give high school and middle school students easier access to alcohol. Third, lowering MLDA 21 to 18 will irresponsibly allow a greater
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Because to the law an 18 year-old is an adult, but is not seen responsible enough to drink. She was never exposed to alcohol and because of that went absolutely crazy in college because of the taboo allure paired with peer pressure from other students that may not know the effects of alcohol. Alcohol should be entrusted to all adults, and as the law sees the age 18 as “adult” then that should be the cut off mark. This would have brought attention to the colleges that drinking may happen on
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Drinking Age of the Military: Should it be Lowered Jason M. Stoudt DeVry University The drinking age in the military is currently set at 21 years old as it is set for the rest of the country. There has been an age old statement widely used by those in the military, “If I am old enough to fight and die for my country, I should be old enough to drink”. The debate is out there that the drinking age should be lowered for all young adults from 18 years old to 21 years old. The idea behind the fact
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Research Paper Draft Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Changed Back to Eighteen? The debate on the legal drinking age has been going on for many years. More mature adults say that the minimum legal drinking age should be kept at twenty-one. Young adults say that the minimum legal drinking age should be changed back to eighteen. There are many reasons that go behind the opinions of each. People believe that since the age of eighteen is the legal adult age in the United States of America that young
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The debate about the legal drinking age has been argued about, for a decent amount of time now, since the US is different from other countries. Although it was set at 21 since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, many have argued about it from both public health and social perspectives. This argument has been discussed through many articles and authors, including Kennedy Lawrence, who wrote the article "The Drinking Age Should be Lowered". In this article, Kennedy Lawrence talks about why
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Increasing or decreasing the legal age at which people can purchase and drink alcohol has been a controversial issue for quite some time now. Some people say that it should be lowered because teens drink anyway, some say that it should increase or the stay the same due to health risk. There are many other viewpoints to both sides and in this paper we are going to explore both sides to the story Some believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered and we are going to explore why. They say if
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until the age of 21 in any state is the one needing to be reconsiderred to help the progression of this era. This law has been in effect since the 40th president Ronald Reagan signed the bill to become a law in 1984, and since then many people have agreed with its material as it seems to have bettered the way of life. Even though many are for this ordinance other people have fought against the legal drinking age being 21 and feel it should be lowered to the beginning of adulthood, the age of 18, as this
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approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking…” (1). This quote shows that underage drinking is a very dangerous thing and many people should start taking that into consideration. The drinking age should not be lowered for various reasons. If the drinking age was to be lowered it could potentially cause more deaths and interfere with the development of minors along with many other consequences. The drinking age has been 21 since 1984 because of an act that
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National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which changed the national legal alcohol purchase and consumption age to 21. Though states were not required to comply, those which did not change the drinking age to 21 were threatened with losing 10 percent of their federal highway money. Though the act successfully reduced traffic fatalities related to drunk driving accidents, underage drinking has not stopped. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, underage drinking accounts for
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Why Not Change the Drinking Age Back to 18? In the United States of America you are considered a legal adult at the age of 18 years old. You have all the major rights of a fully grown adult, voting, enlisting in the military, buying a house, buying tobacco products and many more. However there is one right that was taken away from the 18 year old adult back in 1984. In 1984 the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was put into place which changed the legal minimum drinking age from 18 years old to 21
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