writing Report: Draft March 3, 2014 Lower Drinking Age Turning 18 is a big year, probably one of the biggest in our young lives. When you turn 18 a million doors open, you can change your name, get tattooed, vote, join the military, go to jail and be trialed as an adult, basically anything you can think of, except one thing and that’s buying/drinking alcohol. That’s one thing that always got my attention: why 21? If you are considered by the law an adult at 18 then you should be treated like one
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Drinking age is a common thing in the United States. Based on what I found out in the articles is that the minimum age for a person to drink is at 21. People argued that they should lowered the drinking age to 18. In some parts of the U.S, they are allow to drink, with exception of the Muslims religion. Underage drinking can result an increase on teen pregnancy or a disease. Drinking age can result a brain disorder or even dead. In some college schools 10 out of 20 students have try alcohol and the
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Once we turn 18, we become legal adults, and we are able to participate in government activities such as voting or serving in the army. If we are considered adults at the age of 18 then we can fully face the consequences of any law that one might break. 18-year-olds are admitting to drinking before the age of 21 and nothing severe has happened to them. Young adults are fully capable of facing the consequences of breaking the law. A point that explains why the drinking age should be lowered is
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Lower the Legal Drinking Age BCOM/275 Lower the Legal Drinking Age Drinking has become a rite of passage. Many young people count the days to their 21st birthday because they finally can drink legally. This journey into adulthood causes confusion considering other milestones are reached at 18. Upon reaching maturity, young people can vote, serve in the military, and marry without consent. If an 18-year-old can make such significant, life-changing decisions, he or she should have
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of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 is generally illegal across the United States; however, there are some states that have exceptions allowing underage consumption of alcohol in certain circumstances. Underage drinking is allowed if done on private premises with parental consent or for religious purposes. In Ruth Engs’ opinion, based upon her research, “as a nation we have tried prohibition legislation twice in the past for controlling irresponsible drinking problems. This was during National
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Alcohol at 18: Perhaps The debate whether or not the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) in the United States is lowered to 18 years of age has come up plenty of times in the past. Some people may argue that lowering the drinking age would destroy our country. How come it hasn’t destroyed Canada or England? Some people believe that lowering the drinking age should not be that big of an issue, and that the problem lies on the fabrics of the population. Some even argue that lowering the drinking age will
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change. For example, the legal minimum drinking age was set at 21 since 1984. Since 1984, “drinking and daily alcohol use have declined among young adults aged 18-20 years” (Wechsler and Nelson 987). This change was needed because alcohol consumption was a major threat to human health. Lowering the drinking age to 18 means that we are just ignoring what our history has presented us. It is common sense that alcohol is a major threat to general well-being. Allowing 18 year olds to legally buy and consume
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The argument of lowering the drinking age has been in the process for quite some time now. Many people argue that it should be lowered to the age of eighteen, and some people have argued that it shouldn’t be lowered and stay at twenty-one. Though there are many reasons that prove both arguments correct, the law still remains where it was set at. Most say the drinking age should not be lowered because it would increase the danger and deaths to underage drinkers, but that all has to do with the main
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controversial question that I have. Why can’t we lower the drinking age? Yes, there are risks, but there are also many facts that bring the pros of this recreation to light. (First, let me say, that I am definitely not delusional in saying this would be a perfect plan, but even though there are risks they do not outweigh the good) Before we go into the pros and cons of this situation I think you should all know the reason as to why the drinking age is 21 anyway. Well, according to a blog from a
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Joshua Lynn Professor Howard ENG-123 13 Jun 2015 Lowering the Drinking Age The drinking age in America needs to be changed to align our cultural values with the rest of the worlds. In America there is no real reason to support the fact that we need to wait until the age of 21 to drink. To think that 21 is the age when everyone is mature enough to drink is just speculation. At 18 you are allowed to buy tobacco and even tattoo yourself. So how could lawmakers come to the decision that we
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