INTRODUCTION: Chanakya was an Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor. Originally a professor of economics and political science at the ancient Takshashila University, Chanakya managed the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta's rise to power at a young age. He is widely credited for having played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire, which was the first empire in archaeologically recorded history to rule most of the Indian subcontinent. Chanakya served as the chief advisor
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RESISTANCE TO CHANGE AND OVERCOMING RESISTANCE This paper examines organizational change, focusing on the distinction of changes according to their scope and presenting a typology of evolutionary and strategic changes. Through empirical research, it analyzes the importance of the sources of resistance to change defined theoretically, also considering types of changes, offering hints about where organizations should pay special attention when initiating a change process. INTRODUCTION Many authors
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organization development (OD) practitioners have regarding key issues in the management of change in organizations. Other variables of interest included the preferred mode of influence or consulting style based on a transformational versus transactional framework and the degree of tolerance for ambiguous situations. Data were collected using two survey instruments, the Managing Change Questionnaire (MCQ) and the Change Agent Questionnaire (CAQ), which were mailed to 1,500 OD practitioners randomly
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Organizational Change and Innovation Management MGMT 5970 Fall Semester 2014 Class Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Time: 12:30 - 1:45 a.m. Location: MLC 245 Professor Name: Dr. Bob Vandenberg Offices: 402 Brooks Hall Phone: Brooks Office: 542-3720 Office I don’t have set hours because honestly as the head of the Department of Hours: Management I’m in the office most days during normal business hours
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for, and deals with corporate change and growth. CanGo's current approach to projects, as well as their strategy for managing change is very reactive, and seems to be developed on the fly, as the need for change, growth, and additional functionality or systems arises. Being in a reactive mode like this will severely limit CanGo's ability to control the efficiency, and the final outcome of these changes. A perfect example of CanGo's reactive approach to change is their recent realization that
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B | | Question 2:- People resist change because: | | | | a) they can’t see the benefits | | b) they don’t see the need | | c) they don’t expect success | | d) all of the above | | Question 3:- Which of the following is not considered a strategy for dealing with resistance to change? | | | | a) make change information available and salient
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Interview on Implementing Change 1 Interview on Implementing Change Harold Nyanjom MGMT 520 PA 2014 Spring 02 PS3 Managing Org Change & Conflict April 20, 2014 Instructor Name: Dr. Whitney Stevens Southwestern College Professional Studies Interview on Implementing Change 2 Abstract This paper is based on this student’s (Harold) interview with a Christian Pastor (Rev. Kenneth Owuor) and analyses change initiatives in pastoral ministries by examining how religious
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Τίτλος Μαθήματος: Change Leadership Φοιτήτρια: Σταυρακάκη Μαρία Ηράκλειο 2016 ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ 3 ΗΓΕΣΙΑ 4 ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ 5 ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ 7 ΗΓΕΤΗΣ VS ΜΑΝΑΤΖΕΡ 8 ΗΓΕΣΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ 10 ΜΕΤΑΣΧΗΜΑΤΙΣΤΗΣ ΗΓΕΤΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ 12 ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ 14 ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Στην παρούσα εργασία αναλύεται η έννοια της ηγεσίας και ο ρόλος του ηγέτη στις σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις. Αναδεικνύεται η αναγκαιότητα
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External factors force the changes in the selected organization---------------p3-4. -----------The side of Hong Kong Public Doctors’ Association -----------The side of industry and market -----------The side of Hong Kong popularity -----------The side of newspaper -----------Introduce changes 4. Theoretical framework of change management---------------------------------p5-6. -----------Stage 1: Define the Change -----------Stage 2: Manage Barriers to Effective Change -----------Stage 3: Plan
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emerging from the recession the strongest have done so by, “creating a compelling story of the company’s future and a collaborative process for building the capabilities to achieve it.” Authors Ready and Truelove guide us through the organizational change management strategies employed by a few companies that were able to defy the odds in industries that were severely affected by the recession. They show how 4 CEO’s have led their organizations by implementing the model of “collective ambition—a summary
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