Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory
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© 2000 American Accounting Association Accounting Horizons Vol. 14 No. 2 June 2000 pp. 235-250 Earnings Management: Reconciling the Views of Accounting Academics, Practitioners, and Regulators Patricia M. Dechow and Douglas J. Skinner Patricia M. Dechow is an Associate Professor and Douglas J. Skinner is a Professor, both at the University of Michigan. SYNOPSIS: We address the fact that accounting academics often have very different perceptions of earnings management than do practitioners
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CHAPTER 1 ACCOUNTING: INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKING OVERVIEW OF BRIEF EXERCISES, EXERCISES, AND CRITICAL THINKING CASES Brief Exercises B. Ex. 1.1 B. Ex. 1.2 B. Ex. 1.3 B. Ex. 1.4 B. Ex. 1.5 B. Ex. 1.6 B. Ex. 1.7 B. Ex. 1.8 B. Ex. 1.9 B. Ex. 1.10 Learning Objectives 1, 3, 5 2, 5 3, 4 5, 6 1, 3, 5, 6 5, 6 2, 5, 6 7, 8 5, 7 1 Topic Users of accounting information Components of internal control Inexact or approximate measures Standards for the preparation of accounting information FASB conceptual
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METHODS IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION - AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH IN THE BRAZILIAN SCENARIO Prof. Edson Luiz Riccio, Ph.D. - e-mail: elriccio@usp.br BSc. Marici Cristine Gramacho Sakata - e-mail: mcsakata@usp.br Affiliation: University of São Paulo - Brazil Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accountancy Department of Accountancy and Actuary Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto 908 - FEA3 05508-900 – Sao Paulo – Brasil FAX: 55-11- 813 01 20 PHONE: 55-11- 3818 58 20 ABSTRACT The Teaching of Accounting is facing
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Chapter 1 is an overview chapter covering accounting users, financial reporting, GAAP, accounting organizations, the conceptual framework, accounting careers, and ethics. The topics are wide ranging and very heavy on the new terminology side of things. Although it is a good chapter for introductory purposes, the concepts and organizations covered are so extensive that it will make a good chapter to come back to later, or at the end of intermediate accounting, to review. In fact, many parts of the
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MBA UK Course Handbook the Strathclyde 2014/15 The Strathclyde MBA 1 The University of Strathclyde's mission dates from our founder, Professor John Anderson, leaving instructions in his will for 'a place of useful learning' to be established in the city. By this he meant an institution open to everyone, regardless of gender, status or income. “ The Place of Useful Learning John Anderson 1796 ” We continue to be committed to 'useful learning' through our provision of
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Course Schedule Course Modules Review and Practice Exam Preparation Resources Module 1: Case analysis approach Getting started Before you begin Module 1, please read the Introduction to PA1 for important information on how to study this course and complete the competency-based assignments. For an overview of your assignment responsibilities in this course, check the course schedule in the navigation pane. Online discussion instructions that outline the steps for starting work
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Because I am very out of practice with the processes and requirements of higher education and because I know that i have sometimes found great distraction in trying to focus on multiple paths at the same time, I plan to pursue only one course per term initially until I better understand
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