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Personal Narrative: My Pursuit Of Higher Education

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At 52, I have decided to return to a pursuit of higher education. It is not a decision I have taken lightly. I agonized over whether I would have the bandwidth, stamina and focus to achieve what has long eluded me. It is a dual motivation for me. First, after being laid off after a company merger, I found myself less prepared to re-enter the workforce than at any other period in my life. I found the career experience and stability that had served me well the last time I was unemployed at 38, did not get the attention of recruiters and managers who were hiring in the kinds of fields I was accustomed to working. I had already realized a few years prior to the layoff that I had hit a ceiling in my career. Though I had achieved relative …show more content…
Because I am very out of practice with the processes and requirements of higher education and because I know that i have sometimes found great distraction in trying to focus on multiple paths at the same time, I plan to pursue only one course per term initially until I better understand the workload, time requirements and effort required to successfully excel in each course. I also plan to whenever possible front-load courses that I am more confident in the subject matter so that I can build up to taking on some material that will not come as easy to me, particularly mathematics. I believe that my more than 20 years of corporate experience will help me tackle the business management, principles of marketing and business communications coursework a little more easily so I am hoping that I am able to start with those before focusing on accounting, finance and economics. I also plan to set about to partitioning my pursuit into two more manageable segments so that I continue to feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement and also get a quicker return on my educational investment.. With that in mind, I will pursue an Associates of Business Management first with a goal to be finished with this in about 3 years or less and then continue on to a bachelors degree with a goal to complete that program within about a 5 year

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