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Rhode Island Research Paper

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Most people know that Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States, but did you know that Rhode Islands could fit in the state of Alaska 487 times? Unlike most states Rhode Island has a few nick names. “Little Rhody” (because of the size), The Plantation State, and “The Ocean State” (because so much of it is surrounded by water). You can get to the Atlantic ocean from anywhere in the state within 30 minutes! Rhode Island has rich history, spectacular geography, major cities ,and interesting facts. Come see “Little Rhody” any time! You won’t regret it! Rhode Island is filled with explorers, settlers, important people, and famous events. Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts because of his extreme views. He purchased land …show more content…
It is bordered on the north and east by Massachusetts, on the west by Connecticut, and on the south by Rhode Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. Also known for its sandy shores and sea side colonial towns Rhode Island is a popular vacation destination. Providence is the capital and most popular city in the state of Rhode Island. Founded in 1663. It is also the oldest city in the United States. The current population as of 2016 is 179,219. Providence was one of the first cities in the country to industrialize and became noted for its textile manufacturing.Newport is also a popular city in Rhode Island. Rhode Island is the home of George M. Cohan who was born in Providence in 1878. He wrote, "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy," "You're a Grand Old Flag," and a wide variety of other musical entertainment.Rhode Island is known for making silverware and fine jewelry. Some cool things to see if you have the time are The Breakers, it is a Vanderbilt mansion in Newport. Also if you love a beautiful setting the Roger Williams Park is an elaborately landscaped 427-acre city park in Providence. The Roger Williams Park Zoo of Providence looks pretty cool too. It contains more than 150 animals from around the world in natural settings. In 1986, it became the first Zoo in New England to earn accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. There is also the Roger Williams Historic Site, as well as the International Tennis Hall of Fame

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