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    Enceladus Research Paper

    CASSINI'S NAVIGATES ICE PLUMES ON ENCELADUS Cassini spacecraft was set to fly through plumes of water on Saturn’s moon Enceladus on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015. Scientists recently discovered a salty ocean lying beneath the ice covering Enceladus similarly to one of Jupiter’s moon, Europa which is also believed to have a sub-ice ocean. The dive was designed to collect data about the mysterious subterranean salt water ocean on Enceladus. In this event, the craft will only be 30km on top of the surface

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  • Premium Essay

    Mars Exploration Rover Essay

    Mars Exploration Rover and Kepler Space Telescope May Prove Existence of Extraterrestrial Life On September 28, NASA’s mars exploration rover, Opportunity, made a ground-breaking discovery, finding evidence of water on Mars. The rover found small spheres of the minerals hematite and jarosite. On earth, hematite generally forms from water, and jarosite in the presence of water. Opportunity also captured images of layers on rocks, generally formed by water erosion. Evidence of water on the Red Planet

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  • Premium Essay

    Creative Writing: Farenheit 451

    Extinction Bloody mouth open widely like a huge bowl, devoured my mother’s emaciated body, the blood that splashed out dyed the sky red, but I was powerless to save her. Now,I, Eren Yeager has been succeed in becoming a member of Scout Regiment. After killing a lot of Titans, i still cannot forget this sanguinary scene. It is 2700 this year, the 180th year that the terrible species , the titans appeared. They preyed on a large amount of humans. 100 years ago, humans, who had a world of difference

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  • Premium Essay

    Venus Project Research Paper

    My group and I chose to do the planet Venus and the missions that were done to get information about the planet. The mission that I chose to do was Pioneer Venus. It was part of the Pioneer program, which consisted of two spacecraft’s, the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the Pioneer Venus Multi-probe. The program was managed by NASA’s Ames Research Center. Before explaining the mission and what I learned about it, lets focus on Venus for a bit and learn about the background of the planet.

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  • Premium Essay

    Pros And Cons Of Colonizing Mars

    Introduction “Earth and Mars have a lot in common. They formed around the same time -- about 4.6 billion years ago -- and, as on Earth, a Martian day lasts about 24 hours (Ross, 2016, p.8). This is one of the many reasons why humans should colonize Mars. Humans should colonize Mars because it is the closest planet to Earth within the habitable zone, also with current technology it is the most feasible planet that is within reach of Earth. Colonizing Mars would help Earth with its problems with resources

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  • Premium Essay

    The Martian Chronicles Chapter Summary

    night.The rockets set the bony meadows afire,and was turing rock to lava.And transmitted water to stream.Then when carpenters had hurried on the women came in with flowerpots and chintz and pans and setup a kitchen clamor to the cover the silence that mars made waiting outside the door and the shaded windows.Then after six months a dozen small towns had been laid down upon the naked planet.And the second story is And The Moon Be

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  • Premium Essay

    What Is The Use Of Humor In Andy Weir's The Martian

    The Martian is an exciting book of survival and witty thinking on Mars. Mark Watney, a botanist and mechanic, is one of six people to go on a mission to Mars. Mark’s team has to leave the planet during a dust storm, and an antenna breaks loose and punctures his spacesuit. Thus begins Mark’s struggle to survive, and to have a good time of it, too. The Martian by Andy Weir has lots of sarcasm and humor in it, as well as complicated math for Mark to complete to figure out how to survive. Andy Weir

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  • Premium Essay

    Red Dot On Mars Research Paper

    Mars Since the beginning of time, people have looked at a red dot in the sky we call Mars. In the past few generations, humans have been learning more and more about this red dot, Mars. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Romans looked up at the sky and saw this little red dot. The Romans named this planet Mars after the Roman god of war. They named it this because it reminded them of blood, and blood made them think of the roman god of war, Mars. Mars is the 4th planet from the sun, right after

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  • Premium Essay

    District 11 Short Stories

    The dust surrounding him was a swarm of disturbed bees. The spray of dirt and sand stung his eyes as he trudged through the empty District 6 from District 9. Charlie kept a wary eye on his surroundings, unsure of whether to call the silence peaceful, or suspicious. It felt so natural that he wanted to lie down right there, to rest after his long trek from the hideous “alien resettlement camp.” He spat angrily at the ground. What a load of talk. It was obviously a permanent, isolated residence for

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  • Premium Essay

    How Did Andy Weir Wrote The Martian

    “He’s stuck out there. He thinks he’s totally alone and that we all gave up on him.”(Weir 63) Andy Weir wrote The Martian, and the character Mark Watney has an interesting life. Mark is always struggling and in need of something. However he never gives up, which makes Mark’s life interesting, but not as interesting as Weir’s himself. Weir uses many elements to craft an interesting story, one of which is suspense, but he has an incredible sense of humor as well, and has led a very interesting life

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