Modern Rites Of Passage

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    Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland. Competitive Paper Abstract In this paper I develop a framework for the study of business relationships through the lens of liminality. This is achieved by discussing the work of Turner in relation to rites and rituals and their role in society. Those dimensions of the concept of liminality and communitas that are important for this study therefore include: that it involves interaction outside everyday lived experience; that liminality is constructed

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    ARIHANTCARDS.COM | THE THREAD CEREMONY | | | | | | Importance of the Thread Ceremony Overview Upanayana is a traditional Hinduism rite of passage that was celebrated to mark the acceptance of a student by the teacher (Guru) and also an individual's entrance to the school. Literally, Upanayana implies the act of leading one thing to or close to another thing. This tradition is based on the fact that, when a child joined the school, it was taken that the teacher was drawing

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    Stuff About Stuff

    creation of Russia). This article provides a fresh, annotated translation of Ibn Faḍlān's passage and considers a multiplicity of identities for the Rūsiyyah. Ibn Faḍlān’s account of his participation in the deputation sent by the Caliph al-Muqtadir in the year 921 A.D. to the King of the Bulghārs of the Volga, in response to his request for help, has proved to be an invaluable source of information for modern scholars interested in, among other subjects, the birth and formation of the Russian state

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    Similarities and Differences in Adolescents

    Introduction Erik Erikson (1950) observed adolescent developments like epigenetic steps of development, meaning that the adolescent’s primary duty during this stage is to form identity (Schwartz & Montgomery, 2002; Chen & Farruggia, 2002). Carol Gilligan (1988) suggested that gender differences had an impact on the human development cycle. The experiences of adolescents across the world are similar through sub-cultural and cultural communities, historical eras, and boys and girls. Universal Similarities

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    Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication

    Practising intercultural communication In this chapter we show that when practising intercultural communication to achieve our goals as students and as professionals we must consider a range of perspectives. We need to be sensitive to possible effects on communication of differences between cultures, explained by researchers as relating to: high-context and low-context cultures; power distance, individualism–collectivism and masculinity–femininity; and non-verbal cues such as tone of voice, appearance

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    belief systems and rituals that enshrined certain sacred things or defined rites of passage. But it was also used to group people by geography and politics. Most scholars can say that: 1) Hinduism is rooted in India; 2) most Hindus revere a body of texts, the Veda, and 3) most Hindus draw on a common system of values known as dharma (BBC Religion Profile, Hinduism). Hinduism originated around the Indus Valley in modern day Pakistan, and while about 80% of India describe themselves as Hindu, there

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    World Religions Final Paper Hum130

    The Church is a dichotomy of imagined and real legends and myths. But to the members, it is their faith and their anchor. The Catholic Church. I was fortunate to visit St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Garland, Texas, where I observed a beautiful, modern building. Where I had expected a stodgy, overbearing environment, I was taken aback to find myself in an almost a park like setting, with well manicured lawns and flower beds, walk ways and even humorous signs proclaiming that “Thou Shalt Not Walk

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    Week 2 – Essay Assignment Spring Quarter 2011 The Certification Statement This is to certify that this essay is my own original making after the researches I made personally from the Web and elsewhere. It contains all the statements which I downloaded and credited appropriately for the sources, also my own remarks and opinions in between many of these paragraphs, which I have made in ITALICS. The conclusion is my own reflection and opinion and the concluding

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    Jesus: Fact from Fiction

    Jesus is the central focus of attention and worship in Christianity, and is held by most Christians to be the Messiah, foretold in the Hebrew Bible or “Old Testament”. They believe him to be the savior of mankind, and the son of God. However, in modern times, the use of critical scholarship in analysis of the Bible and to the New Testament Gospels in particular, has lead to an accelerating rate of disintegration in the traditional Christian belief system. The term "scholarship" implies the application

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    The Relationship Between Women and the Early Islamic Calipahtes

    History 74: Final Paper Brandon Sanchez SID# 766681 Throughout history there are countless examples of religious teachings, practices, and doctrines influencing the course and structure of human existence. From Zoroastrian beliefs, which were among the first to promote the idea of free will amongst its believers and encouraged them to be dutiful citizens by paying their taxes and enlisting their sons in the Persian army; to some

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