Canadian International Council Strengthening the Non-Proliferation Regime: The Role of Coercive Sanctions Author(s): T. V. Paul Source: International Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3, Nuclear Politics (Summer, 1996), pp. 440-465 Published by: Canadian International Council Stable URL: Accessed: 30/11/2010 19:58 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at
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world through the eyes of Webber, tell us of a world based on logic and rationality as a foundation rather than pure reason. He speaks of a disillusioned world. A world who's law assists in this disillusionment. Weber speaks of rationalization as a norm of our human state of mind where we constantly demand reason and justification of everything around us, according to him this is in itself a form of disillusionment. A logically justified world is a world that does not allow for human intrigue and
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ARE WOMEN SAFE IN INDIA? The condition of women in India has always been a matter of grave concern. Since the past several centuries, the women of India were never given equal status and opportunities as compared to that of their male counterparts. The patriarchal nature of Indian society, which even though gives respect to women as they are our mothers and sisters, has greatly hampered both the independence as well as the safety of women. One of the main reasons of violence against women is
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Deviant Behavior and Social Control Deviance is only considered to be deviance when the actions go against what are considered the norms of the group. Is a group of cannibals in the South American jungle eating fellow human beings considered deviant behavior? Is kissing your loved one in a public place to show affection considered deviant behavior? What about a person laying down a small rug and praying wherever they are at certain times throughout the day. There is no definite
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government's and the Security and Exchange Commission's concern in promoting ethical standards in terms of financial disclosure in the corporate environment. It also addresses the current criticism of the exportation of U.S. corporate governance norms under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, focusing on the application of the audit committee requirement to foreign issuers from European countries with codetermination laws, and the prevention of loans to executives with respect to German issuers. In reply to
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explanation of deviance. The symbolic interaction perspective was extremely active in the early foundations of the labelling theory. The labelling theory is constituted by the assumption that deviant behaviour is to be seen not simply as the violation of a norm but as any behaviour which is successfully defined or labelled as deviant. Deviance is not the act itself but the response others give to that act which means deviance is in the eyes of the beholder. Actually the labelling theory was built on
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In the affluent society, capitalism comes into its Own. The two mainsprings of its dynamic -- the escalation of commodity production and productive exploitation -- join and permeate all dimensions of private and public existence. The available material and intellectual resources (the potential of liberation) have so much outgrown the established institutions that only the systematic increase in waste, destruction, and management keeps the system going. The opposition which escapes suppression
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for the 21st Century Abnormal Behavior-2 In today’s word Psychologists apply several criteria, individually or in combination, to determine if behavior is abnormal. Based on behavior which is: unusual, socially unacceptable or a violation of a social norm, faulty in the perception or construal of reality, significantly distressing to the individual. Psychological disorders are exhibited throughout all genres of the media industry that is used to store and deliver information or data. For
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Female Genital Mutilation (also incorrectly known as “female circumcision”) is an extreme cultural practice prevalent in much of North and West Africa as well as in parts of the Middle East and Asia, in which young women and girls are forced to undergo a procedure that alters or rather, mutilates their reproductive organs. Although Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM, is seen in many cultures as a way to promote purity and chastity, this paper will argue that it is in fact a reflection of the “deep-rooted
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CASE 1.6 NEXTCARD, INC. Synopsis In November 2001, Arthur Andersen & Co. employees in that firm’s Houston office shredded certain Enron audit workpapers during the midst of a federal investigation of the large energy company. The decision to destroy those workpapers ultimately proved to be the undoing of the prominent accounting firm. A few years later, a felony conviction for obstruction of justice would effectively put Andersen out of business. Ironically, at the same time that
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