(s) at hand; (2) Epistemological and Theoretical Research Perspective, which looks at the theory of knowledge that informs the study and the philosophical stance of the methodology in providing the context of the process and to ground its logic and criteria, (3) Statement of the Problem, which outlines the general and specific
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Department for International Development to support girls’ education in the country. about this report This report, together with additional information available online, summarizes our 2014 sustainability and corporate responsibility (CR) performance. Ericsson and its subsidiaries. The Ericsson Annual Report 2014
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The TQM Magazine Emerald Article: A new framework for managing change J.S. Oakland, S.J. Tanner Article information: To cite this document: J.S. Oakland, S.J. Tanner, (2007),"A new framework for managing change", The TQM Magazine, Vol. 19 Iss: 6 pp. 572 - 589 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09544780710828421 Downloaded on: 16-08-2012 References: This document contains references to 20 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 10 other documents To
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INTRODUCTION Company profile NS Plastic & Metal Trading Sdn Bhd (933699-P) is a locally incorporated company under the companies act 1965 section 16(4) of the Malaysian Law. NS Plastic & Metal Trading Sdn Bhd (933699-P) was established in 24th February 2011 but NS Plastic & Metal Trading (001317810-P) was established in 2nd of October 2001 in response to high growing demand for recycling industry needs and the wholesale market for industrial waste products. They have developed strategic
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Volume III Liz Mohn A Cultural Forum Corporate Cultures in Global Interaction Bertelsmann Foundation Gutersloh 2003 A Cultural Forum Corporate Cultures in Global Interaction Global Business Culture – an International Workshop, held in November 2002 in Gutersloh Content 04 05 Content 6 Foreword Liz Mohn Part I: Cultural Diversity as a Challenge for the Management of Globally Acting Companies: Forming Process of Interaction and Acculturation Global Corporate Cultures:
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This article was downloaded by: [UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE LIBRARY] On: 10 May 2012, At: 20:20 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Tourism Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rsus20 Synergies between Australian indigenous tourism and ecotourism: possibilities and problems
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Businessman" by Howard R. Bowen. Bowen suggested that business should consider the social implications of their decisions. Fortune magazine annually assess America's most Admired Corporations and does so by evaluating over 300 organisations against 8 criteria, one of the eight used is "Community and Environmental Responsibility". Firms such as Merck, Rubber maid, Procter and Gamble, Wal-mart, Pepsico, Coca-cola and 3 M have received consistently high overall ratings. The presence of strong social
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large pay cuts, increases in responsibility, autonomy and monitoring also increase work pressure. Keywords: Recession, downsizing, layoffs, economic downturns, organizational behavior, commitment, motivation, loss and grief, leaders, employees, stakeholders. 2 INTRODUCTION The great recession of 2007 started on the month of December. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the prestigious private research institute declared it officially. The government of US acknowledged the NBER's declaration
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Mentorship Competency The success of any nursing student in any program in any clinical setting is multi-faceted enhancing the complicated nature of education and the perception of competencies whether student or educator. This is an important concept to be sensitive to as the process of moving forward with the knowledge and skill-sets needs to be supported and nurtured in order to facilitate the standard of care that is safe, accountable, and competent. The expectations of students within academia
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auditors, regulators, and other stakeholders) and specifies the rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs. Governance provides the structure through which corporations set and pursue their objectives, while reflecting the context of the social, regulatory and market environment. Governance is a mechanism for monitoring the actions, policies and decisions of corporations. Governance involves the alignment of interests among the stakeholders. There has been renewed interest
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