Pest Pakistan

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    Pakistan and India Have Had an Antagonistic Relationship Since Partition Leading to Three Wars. Analyze the Main Causes of This Antagonism. Given This Background, Is Normalization Between the Two Neighbors Feasible?

    Pakistan and India’s relationship can be characterized as that of mistrust and endemic conflict for the last sixty six years. This is unfortunate because a healthy and prosperous relationship between these two neighbors would have led to immense strategic, economic and cultural headway in the challenges that these two countries face today. In fact, the root cause of many of these challenges is this very antagonism that exists between these two countries. So what has given rise to this bad blood?

    Words: 2073 - Pages: 9

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    Pakistani Women: Religion, State and Society

    constitution guarantees equal treatment for all of its citizens. Pakistan has signed many United Nations treaties guaranteeing the equality and fair treatment of women. But the reality is very different. Most women in Pakistan face a hostile male-dominated environment where they have little or no choice in their lives and face the prospect of harsh violence directed against them. Some international journalists have written that Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places anywhere for women. The

    Words: 6868 - Pages: 28

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    Women Empowerment in Punjab, Pakistan

    Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Understanding Power 3 1.2 Understanding Empowerment 5 1.3 Empowerment and its meanings 6 1.4 Women’s awareness about their rights 8 2-Punajb and women empowerment 9 2.1 women empowerment in Punjab Pakistan 9 2.2 Economic benefits of women empowerment 11 2.3 Punjab assembly work from 2008-13 11 2.4 women issues and provincial government 13 2.5 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PUNJAB AND OTHER PROVINCES IN WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 14 2.6 Punjab women empowerment

    Words: 6407 - Pages: 26

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    United States Punishment vs. Other Countries

    different view. After taking a closer look into United States punishment for crime and other countries punishment, we can decide which is humane and which is truly cruel. It is true that most look down on the practices used by countries such as Pakistan, which still uses the method of flogging lawbreakers in public. It is not only a form of punishment for the lawbreakers but also a mass form of entertainment for the thousands of law-abiding Pakistanis. Flogging is a method of restraining the lawbreaker

    Words: 608 - Pages: 3

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    India and Pakistan

    new nations were born: Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. India was populated by many Hindus, while Pakistan was home to large number of Muslims. At first, the two countries attempted to have diplomatic relations but that changed after the immigration process. After the countries announced their independence and created borders, Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan made their way into India while Muslims in India made their way to Pakistan. Altogether 14 million people ventured to migrate from one

    Words: 444 - Pages: 2

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    Try and Error

    Pakistanis did to Captain Saurabh Kalia in Kargil [ Images ] in 1999? Pakistan has a history of desecration of dead Indian soldiers even during the 1965 war. Barbaric behaviour by the Pakistanis is neither new nor a planned strategy, it is their habit! But that still leaves open the question: Why now? It is this that opens up intriguing possibilities. By all accounts relations between India [ Images ] and Pakistan were on the upswing, thanks to the perpetual sway of the 'peace at any (mostly

    Words: 770 - Pages: 4

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    Unfair Distribution of Laptop

    who have attained but what to speak of rest? It has been a fair distribution, Is there any right of private students who are still continuing their studies and are in constant struggle to quench the thirst of the knowledge. We are all Pakistani? Pakistan has been established in the name of ‘’equality’’ .Where is equality? I want to ask a question. Just tell me

    Words: 459 - Pages: 2

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    Kashmir Issue

    Whenever I hear the word "Kashmir," all I can think is of conflicts, wars, blood and yes, India and Pakistan. We all know what all has happened over the years, and there seems to be no solution to the unending drama, fake promises and conspiracy. Even after decades we still stand on the borders of indo-pak fighting for so called peace and our right over Kashmir. It seems to me that the time has stopped, we haven't moved generations after generations have passed. we are still pondering over what is

    Words: 301 - Pages: 2

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    Afghan Economy

    24 Mar 2012 Afghanistan’s Economy This paper is to explain the past, current and future economy of Afghanistan. As of 2011, Afghanistan has a population of roughly 30 million and is expected to increase to around 82 million people by the year 2050. Afghanistan is the 41st largest country in the world, and is similar in size to the state of Texas. Ranked 91st in world economies it has very high unemployment, nearly 35% countrywide. According to data from the Central Intelligence Agency

    Words: 1191 - Pages: 5

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    Language Policy in Pakistan

    Language Policy in Pakistan Masooma Kazmi Introduction Pakistan is a multilingual and multiethnic country with six major and over 57 small languages. However, the languages of the domains of power—government, corporate sector, media, and education etc.—are Urdu and English (Rahman 1996). Urdu, which is spoken by just 7% of the population, is the national language, while English is the official language. The small languages are under tremendous pressure, some of which have become extinct, while

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