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    Lion King

    to the throne. This jealousy drives him to take drastic action to secure himself to the throne. The only way he can do this is to kill his brother, King Mufasa and Simba. He accomplishes this by killing Mufasa and goes on to become the King of the Pride Lands and leader of the pack, thus “marrying” Simba’s mother, Sarobi. After the plan that Scar puts into action is completed, Scar finds his plan was only half successful; Simba survives. However, the clever, smooth talking uncle tricks the young and

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    Self Respect

    know how. There are many things that you need in order to have self-respect but there are three that I believe are most important. The three most important things a person must have or do are pride, honesty and avoid jealousy. Pride is an important factor in self -respect because if a person does not take pride in the life that they live or the things that they do then how can you respect yourself? In Shame, Richard says “ I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school for that” (page

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    The Crucible Reputation Analysis

    Pride and reputation have prominent role in all societies. Often times, maintaining one’s reputation can influence how a person act. This theme is evident throughout Arthur Miller’s play, the Crucible. Miller presents a 1690’s town with a rigid system and an extremely religious-oriented people. In this Puritan society, private and public integrity interweave and the threat of tainting their names is ever present. The stressed importance of maintaining pride and reputation results in influencing many

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    Opportunity In Anzia Yezierska's 'New Colossus'

    Americans Three essential aspects that define an American are opportunity, freedom, and pride. Opportunity is a crucial component of being an American. When people come to the United States it is usually for freedom or to have a better life, and America provides that. In the poem, The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus states, ¨Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… Send these the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door” (9)! In this quote

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    Human Condition Research Paper

    corruption, theft of data, and countless hackings into our private accounts. But I think regardless of what you think of the current condition, there are a few things we need to think about before we go about trying to better our world. Human Pride. Pride is a word that has so many connotations to it. One can be proud of an art project they created, then, after selling said item, they become wealthy, gaining renown and respect across the art crowd, the person can then take that renown as tangible

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    How Did Chicago's Fair Change America

    Depth of Knowledge Questions Fact-Based: Record eight direct quotes with page numbers to answer the following question: In what ways did the Chicago’s World’s Fair change America? What lasting inventions and ideas did it introduce to American culture? What important figures were critically influenced by the Fair? (8 quotes; 8 pts) “Chicago has disappointed her enemies and astonished the world” (310). “The fair was so perfect, its grace and beauty like an assurance that for as long as it lasted nothing

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    Brand Experience: How Do Sensory Experience, Affective Experience and Behavioral Experience Affect Brand Loyalty?

    1. Introduction 2 2. Literature review 4 2.1 Brand Loyalty 4 2.2 Brand Experience 4 2.2.1 Sensory Brand Experience 5 Design 6 Store Environment 6 2.2.2 Affective Brand Experience 6 Happy 7 Proud 7 2.2.3 Behavioral Brand Experience 8 Lifestyle 8 2.3 Objective of the Study 9 3 Research Model and Hypothesis Development 13 3.1 Research Model 13 3.2 Hypothesis Development 13 4. Methodology 15 4.1 Measurement of variables. 15 4.2 Sampling

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    Naomi Long Madgett's 'Women With Flower'

    marvelous companion read to the heart heavy short prose “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst because of its clever method of figurative language that allow the poem to reflect Hurst’s prose and emphasize the meaning behind his words and the dangers of pride. The personification “let the soil rest from so much digging” has clearly given human qualities to the non-human object, soil, as it has no need for rest, for soil simply does not get tired (Magett 619). Madgett’s line can quickly be evolved into an

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    My Open Mind Diagram Symbolize Oedipus '

    The images portrayed in my Open Mind Diagram symbolize Oedipus’ overwhelming feelings when he encounters the blind prophet of Thebes, Tiresias. Tiresias tells Oedipus, “ are the murderer you are searching for” (Sophocles 22). In their dialogue, the two battle with their words, throwing slanders at each other. This interaction discloses information about Oedipus’ character, showing that he is prideful, quick to anger, and blind to the truth even though it is what he seeks to find. In my Open

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    Defiance of the Maxim Nothing in Excess

    At the entrance of the temple of Apollo at Delphi there were three Maxims inscribed: “Know Yourself”, “Nothing in Excess”, and “A Promise will be Your Ruin”. When the Greeks said “Nothing in Excess” they meant in all aspects of life. The Greek maxim “Nothing in Excess” reflects the idea of moderation and reasonable sufficiency which influences behaviors and choices. Defiance of the maxim “Nothing in Excess” invited discord, catastrophe and repudiation of living wholly with beauty and truth. The

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