the lives of two African-American teenagers who live in an urban area of California and attend high school there. First is Keisha, a fifteen-year-old who was “one of the most prolific and versatile writers [they] encountered during [their] research project.” (Mahiri and Sablo, 169). Keisha had been writing poems, songs, and raps since she was in sixth grade and has written over 40 pieces. Troy was another student they talked to, a seventeen-year-old boy who had been composing his own raps and songs
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PDP allows the educator to direct his or her own professional growth and determine how that growth will have an effect on student learning ( A Professional Development Plan: • is a means to work with others to further the educator’s vision and goal and have an effect on student learning • addresses the needs of the individual educator by enhancing his or her knowledge and skills and thus the quality of student
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role of the mentor in the field of nursing, with personal reflection on the authors experience as a mentor in my current role as a community mental health nurse (CMHN). The mentor-mentee learning relationship will be explored and the application of teaching and learning strategies will be examined. The essay will also discuss the responsibility of the mentor in relation to self, others and the professional agenda and will analyse current assessment procedures for nursing students. Following a student
Words: 4737 - Pages: 19 The Education-Technology Revolution Is Coming Institutions of learning must learn to incorporate technology or risk being left behind By SIG BEHRENS March 1, 2013 RSS Feed Print Sig Behrens is a president of Blackboard, Inc. Higher education is the next bubble. Facebook will replace classroom instruction. Textbooks will go away, and some colleges will, too. In other words, everything is going
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accreditation to address this issue. Composing such a curriculum, however, is an extremely difficult to accomplish. Educational methods in different areas of the world differ based on the local culture. The foreign students, unfamiliar with the language, teaching methods, and culture of the host country, often struggle in their studies and have lower rates of graduation then those who are of local origin. There has not yet been determined how to creating a global medical school curriculum while still being
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STUDY HABITS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. STUDY OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN OGUTA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF IMO STATE. TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page i Approval page ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v Abstract viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Scope of the Study 3 1.4 Purpose of the Study 3 1.5 Significance of the
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Principles of Learning and Teaching STUDENTS AS LEARNERS – 35% THEORISTS LEV VYGOTSKY VYG.HTML JEROME BRUNER ml JOHN DEWEY t-dewey.htm Importance of CULTURE humans use of tools and symbols to learn – culture dictates what we learn and how • Higher and Lower mental functions – elementary (or lower) functions gradually transform to HMF through culture • Central ROLE OF LANGUAGE:
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myself through school without succumbing to the temptation of a student loan. I paid tuiti on up front with the money I earned. It was the example of my mother, a Puerto Rican immigrant working diligently to provide for her family, who instilled a work ethic into me that has stood me in good stead. With a lifelong passion for history, I have de veloped an interest in the cultural history of early modern and modern Europeans, especially women's history. The experiences of ordinary women fascinate
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Reflective Essay Beginning Teaching Experiences My teaching experiences have been quite varied. I began my career as a high school business education teacher in a small rural Midwestern school. Because there were only two teachers in the department, I taught a wide variety of courses. The small setting enabled me to get to know several of the students and faculty quite well and working with students at this age level helped me develop skills in organization and motivation. I found that
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Language Institute Thammasat University EL 321 Communicative Business English 2 Course Outline 2/2012 Course Description This course aims to develop students’ proficiency in business English related to job interviews and job applications. Students are expected to make presentations based on reports from various printed sources. Students are also expected to participate in discussions on business- related topics. Course Objectives This course aims to 1. improve the student’s speaking abilities
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