Race Your Community

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    C228 Draft

    Community Health Nursing-C228-Task 1 Western Governors University Teresa McDonald SI# 000460708 12/29/15 Identification of Community In Southeast Tennessee, you will find most of Hamilton County between the Appalachian and the Cumberland mountain ranges. It is the fourth most populous county in the state of Tennessee (Wikipedia, ND). Within Hamilton County, there are many different towns. The most populous city is Chattanooga that is also the county seat (Wikipedia, ND). Hamilton County

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    The Jim Crow Era

    Constitution, there was still segregation, violent discrimination, and a multitude of other forms of racism present in the country. Due to segregation and other forms of discrimination, it was not uncommon for African Americans to form their own communities, social gatherings, art forms, and other ways of expression. Perhaps among the most important means of expression was music. Music has always been a popular and successful way to spread messages, history,

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    Public Service Level 3 Citizenship

    Diversity & Equality of services professional discussion Task one – Human Rights – United Nations Declaration of Human Rights On 10thDecember 1948, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights were introduced, this Declaration include 30 rights and articles. These were introduced after world war two after lives and homes lost by millions, leaders of the world came together an a new organisation was set up it was named the United Nations, this was set up to stop wars and build a better

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    Ida B Wells Research Paper

    Ida B Wells-Barnett was an African American born a slave but eventually involved in winning justice for the African American Community. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves six months after Ida was born. Ida was a journalist, early civil rights leader, suffragist, and sociologist. She was a committed fighter against lynching. Lynching was blacks who competed with whites as a way to punish innocents in wrong unlawful ways. Throughout her life she fought for what she believed in and kept fighting until

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    Diversity Research Paper

    in part, by offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol website. In 2007, a hate crime occurred once very hour of everyday, totaling an estimated 7,600 crimes. That is a staggering number when you think about all of those crimes being motivated by prejudice to a specific kind of person. Today, four of the major groups being targeting are the LGBT community, African Americans, Muslims and people

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    Paula Wynter's 'Racism Exposed In The Green Book'

    situation, I would have done the same thing or just not have left home after dark so the police wouldn’t have the opportunity to catch me. Even though slavery ended, segregation started meaning that the two races would have to be separated or live apart

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    Week 9 Ethic Paper

    The information that I have learned about diversity in the United States is that it is ever changing. I have taken the time to look at the person and not what background or ethnicity they are from. I see people for what they are as being human and having real feelings. Everyone is different and I have learned that it takes time to understand people who are different. In the past I would not and did not deal with people who were different as far as having too thick of an accent and I would dismiss

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    Booker T Washington Analysis

    If the ancestors of the black community had followed the suggestions in the Atlanta Exposition Address of 1895, would the black communities have achieved a higher status in the United States? Booker T. Washington thought that’s exactly what would happen if the black community were to redirect their attention from civil rights and focused more on the community and the betterment of its people. Washington claims that instead of focusing on education, the black community should cultivate their skills

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    Unity and Solidarity

    was of course said by the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. What he meant was that every man has a desire for a say in what goes on within a community. A say in how the authority should be run, a say in how much taxes one needs to pay, a say in just about anything worth having an opinion on that is up for debate. Having solidarity and unity in a community is absolutely critical for any society to properly function efficiently, along with everybody being given equal opportunities. Every person on

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    Anthropology of Humor Assignment 1

    ridicule members of one’s own society as well as externally, ridiculing oppressing parties. Either way, ethnic humor allows for oppressed societies to advance in the face of adversity. The two most prevalent cases of this are in the Black and Jewish communities. I will go on to explain the similarities, such as ancient origins of Jewish and African American humor, and the differences, like the opposite routes the respective styles took as they modernized in American culture. Perhaps the reason for two

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