1. Personality Type: My personality type was ISTJ, which stands for Introverted Sensing with Thinking. I feel that this describes me exceptionally. First, I definitely am introverted. I consider myself to be a hard working and independent individual, despite being rather quiet and reserved. During stressful situations, I often appear calm and collected on the outside, although there are probably hundreds of things going through my mind. I feel that I am careful with particulars and procedures,
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different philosophies and theories on differentiation instruction, meeting the individual needs, and how differentiating instruction and standardized testing outcomes coexist. Differentiation is described as an educational strategy that cogitates that students’ learning profiles are different and that their highest learning capacity is reached when educators accommodate curriculum and instruction to meet individual needs. Other theorists have perceived differentiated instruction in their own ways
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STUDY HABITS OF THE GRADE-V AND GRADE-VI STUDENTS IN BALUARTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013 A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Education of Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan) Cagayan de Oro City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Subject Educ 4: Introduction to Educational Research with Action Research Presented by: Amora, Sharicka Anne Veronica P. Bonote, Paulyn Y. Dupende, Dan Anthony M. Lopez, Conie Grace D. Retes, Hazel Mae
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Individual Theories CJS/240 Sunday Septemeber11th, 2011 Individual Theories There are so many reason why young people commit crimes in today’s society whereas others strive to excel. Many of these reasons tend to vary depending on the home that the youth grew up in or around, or even how smart or challenged the youth is, however; all of these factors are caused by different settings , and consequences or punishments need to be put into place to keep the youth from becoming a criminal. Just
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importance of employees’ learning motivation for workplace e-learning in Taiwanese organisations Hsiu-Ju Chen and Chia-Hung Kao I-Shou University, Taiwan E-learning systems, adopted by organisations for employee training to enhance employees’ performance, are characterised by self-directed, autonomous learning. Learning motivation is then of importance in the design of e-learning practices in workplace. However, empirical study of the alignment of e-learning with individual learning needs and organisational
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* Individual Assignment: Learning Inventory * 1. Based on the descriptions in the text, where do you see yourself on the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles? * * I view myself as an Active Experimentation leaning more to the Accommodators learning style. There are two reasons that make me put these down. One reason being the example that was given for active experimentation in the text book. “An example of this ability is being ready to move quickly from thinking to action
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There are many reasons people decide to enter the teaching field. Some enter because they enjoy working with people or children, others because they like being off during the summer months, and still others because of their love for a particular subject. Although all these reasons are valid, I feel my reasons are much simpler. The bottom line is that I love kids and enjoy working with them. My desire to make learning a more positive experience for them has only increased with time. I knew very
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explored as it relates to individual learning methods. The VARK questionnaire (Fleming, 2001) was chosen for two reasons, scores can be reached quickly and the provision of help sheets assists students to use their knowledge of learning styles. VARK stands for: visual, aura, read/write and kinesthetic. Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four modalities that seemed to reflect the experiences of the students and teachers. Through the use of the VARK Questionnaire personal learning styles are predicted
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real-world examples, the course illustrates how successful managers deal with challenges, as well as provides students with step-by-step guidelines for effectively handling skills development functions. • Experiential exercises, action learning, individual and group work, role plays, reflective exercises, and self assessment included in this course would help students to immediately apply to their personal and professional lives. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students
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which involves identifying needs and capabilities of children, observation, provision of necessary resources, evaluation and assessment. To ensure that the curriculum goals are realized, childhood programs should be planned to offer sufficient learning experience for the children. A good plan usually starts from observing the children’s interests, needs, strength and behaviors. A good plan should focus on the environment, the setting and group of children or individuals. The focus could also be on
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