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    Rhetorical Essay

    Kevin Kittle UNV-103 3/26/13 Ruben Garcia Module 1 Journal Entry I understand the term motivation very well. I spent five years in the U.S. Army hearing and living that word every day. There were many times being in the Army, especially deployed to Iraq that If I did not stay motivated I would of never of made it both physically and emotionally. I am using the same motivation I had while in the Army and translating into my schooling. My motivation to enroll in GCU just

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    Assistant professor of education and writer, Jack Schneider, in his article “Making it easier to fire teachers won’t get you better ones”, demonstrates how assumptions that job security can help educators improve is illogical. Schneider’s purpose is to inform/assemble school systems to help teachers find guidance for improvement. He adopts a supportive/candid tone in order for school administrators, districts, and readers to realize that teachers do care for professional growth, but lack their support

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    One of the biggest advances in technology from the 21th Century was the introduction of genetically modified foods and organisms. The Food and Drug Administration does not require companies to label if their foods are genetically modified or not. Author Robin Mather, who wrote an article titled, “The Threats from Genetically Modified Foods”, argues that all food produced using genetic engineering should be labeled regardless if the genetically modified foods are the same as their original food. Mather

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    As Orwell discusses the errors made in writing within passages he cites from other writers and Gould refers to world events, math, and science, they both cleverly utilize an informative tone with a simmering emotional appeal by partially inputting their thoughts in the text so as to attain credibility and establish a connection between us, readers, so we can be lead into forming opinions they want us to form, as we reflect on their evidence, in order to persuade us into agreeing with them. Orwell

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    Asimov's Rhetorical Analysis

    that the technical side of science was hindering the fun of science. He used his word to create a passage to explain his feelings and express them to others. Asimov used polar opposite examples to compare his feelings about current science. He used rhetorical questions to get the reader's attention and make them think about the passage, and he explained his point well with analogies, facts, and using the imagination of the reader. I agree that the science of today is taking the fun out of science and

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    Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    life, can at times be slightly unclear about what precisely the main idea is or what the authors true purpose is for writing that text. Most people do not understand that every writer uses rhetorical strategies throughout their writing to make their text clear and understandable for the reader. These rhetorical strategies are particularly important because they help with the clarity of complex ideas and assist the writer in getting their point across. In doing so, writers are able to make their text

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    The “Homeless and their Children” is a report written by Jonathan Kozol and published 1988 which investigated the deplorable living conditions at the Martinique Hotel in New York City and how illiteracy worsened the situation. The report was written increase awareness in the general public of just how horrifying living conditions really were and to emphasis the impact illiteracy has on making the worst imaginable conditions even more challenging. Kozol writes about his personal conversations with

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    Where Beauty Begins Nails have always been a part of a women’s beauty care, whether it’s retro 1970s or cool 2013. The ad that I chose to analyze is for the Natural Wonder nail polish. This ad was published in The Australian Women’s Weekly on February 11, 1976. The ad shows a women’s face covered with several hands over her eyes, and all the finger nails are painted in different vibrant shades of Natural Wonder nail polish. The model’s lips are adorned with red lipstick, which enhances to the ad’s

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    On February 10, 2015, Lexeme county’s largest and fastest growing newspaper; the citizens voice published an article by Michael A. MacDowell entitled “The Community College Model Works Just Fine” In this article, MacDowell, aims to convince his audience mostly the middle class citizens that President Barack Obama’s proposal for free tuition in the community college system is an admirable goal but the “practicality and unintended consequences of such a program render it problematic at best”.Throughout

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    Rhetorical Analysis

    Nicholas d. Kristof “ Where Sweatshops Are Made” addresses the lifestyle of Phnom Penh. The author explains the working system of the poor countries of the world. Kristof uses information from different families to support this thought. He explains the place to be very tough and at the poverty level. Where you see children walking around barefoot searching for cans to make money. Kristof argues that labor standards can improve working conditions but not for poor countries where working in a factory

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