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45 Vedanta Resources plc Annual report 2009 Remuneration Report Introduction This Remuneration Report sets out the policies and practices adopted by the Company in respect of members of the Board and provides details of their remuneration and share interests for the year ended 31 March 2009. The Remuneration Report has been prepared in accordance with the Directors’ Remuneration Report Regulations 2002 (the ‘Regulations’) (Schedule 7A, Companies Act 1985). Part II of the report sets out the information
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Profile of Steel Industry in India (Managerial Economics) CONTENTS Introduction Market Size Investments Government Initiatives Steel Prices Supply and Demand Analysis Cost of production Production Functions and Input: Fixed & Variable Inputs: Total & Average cost: Calculating Average Total Cost Average cost
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Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar (Malagasy: Repoblikan'i Madagasikara [republiˈkʲan madaɡasˈkʲarə̥]; French: République de Madagascar) and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar (the fourth-largest island in the world), as well as numerous smaller peripheral islands. Following the prehistoric breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana, Madagascar split from
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Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo (BVM) La Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo es una asociación civil sin finalidad de lucro, datando sus orígenes el año 1867. En la actual ubicación del Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay, entró en funciones la “Sociedad Bolsa Montevideana”, cuyo principal objeto era dotar al comercio de la plaza de un punto de reunión, a una hora fija, para tratar toda clase de negocios lícitos. Se promulgó también un Reglamento interno de los Corredores, fijándose la forma
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BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Di beberapa dekade akhir abad ke-20, transformasi pesat dunia industri mengambil bentuknya yang baru. Kemajuan mencolok ilmu dan teknologi, sebagai mesin penggerak suatu masyarakat, dunia mendapatkan pengaruhnya dari berbagai sudut. Perekonomian adalah salah satu bidang yang mengalami berbagai perubahan mencolok di masa-masa tersebut. Yang pasti, munculnya berbagai perusahaan multinasional, hingga batas tertentu, membuka peluang bagi globalisasi ekonomi
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The Diversity & Inclusion Study A Survey of Companies of Australia and New Zealand July 2013 Contents Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 Executive summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Demographics����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Structure of Diversity & Inclusion�����������
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LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton in Luxury Goods - World October 2010 Downloaded from www.warc.com Scope of the Report Luxury Goods: LVMH © Euromonitor International Scope Disclaimer Much of the information in this briefing is of a statistical nature and, while every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy and reliability, Euromonitor International cannot be held responsible for omissions or errors Figures in tables and analyses are calculated from unrounded data and may not
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PERKEMBANGAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DI INDONESIA Bing Bedjo Tanudjaja Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya E-mail: abimanyu@petra.ac.id ABSTRAK Kesadaran terhadap CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) yang seharusnya telah terintegrasi dalam hierarki perusahaan sebagai strategi dan policy manejemen, diperlukan demi tercapainya sebuah keseimbangan dunia usaha antara pelaku dan masyarakat sekitar. Esensi dan signifikansi dari CSR
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The paper shall look at how Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) evolved since 2000. It will also look at the strategic nightmares encountered, which led to making certain decisions and initiatives. It will analyse some of the strategies adopted and how they fit in line with the operating environment. The paper will look at background of ZESA, the general operating environment, the strategic choice taken and proffer possible advice which is not a panacea but offers pointers on how to lead
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