Journal of International Law Volume 26 | Issue 2 Article 5 2008 Corporate Governance as Social Responsibility: A Research Agenda Amiram Gill Recommended Citation Amiram Gill, Corporate Governance as Social Responsibility: A Research Agenda, 26 Berkeley J. Int'l Law. 452 (2008). Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals and Related Materials at Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository
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RESEARCH PAPER General Topic: America’s War On Drugs Research Paper Question: How is the elimination of Drug supplies going to affect the economies and social concerns involved in the trade? Research Thesis Statement: The total elimination of illegal drugs in circulation will decrease employment in the US and increase unemployment in Afghanistan and Colombia. ABSTRACT: The "War on Drugs" is a campaign undertaken by the Federal government of the US with the assistance of participating
Words: 2008 - Pages: 9
times. But natural born U.S. citizens are not required to carry papers proving citizenship. local police departments deny having policies that encourage the harassment of immigrants, but these attacks show how law-enforcement policies are not entirely respected by the officers. The enforcement program, Secure Communities, is sometimes considered a useless tool in bringing out dangerous foreign criminals, also gives full power to criminals and gives them power to commit abuse against our community
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The President of the United States of America is responsible for the most powerful military, laws and their enforcement as well as an arsenal of apocalyptic amount of weapons that can end civilization and who ever makes world changing decisions should not be elected through such an outdated system. This election should not be taken lightly. Although it may seem dramatic, The Iraqi war and its expenses along with major cuts to the government's revenue, hostility to anything regarding climate change
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BCHHS utilizes a communications service, called Nixle, to allow us to send important emergency information directly to employee cell phones. This policy outlines the use of Nixle to communicate with BCHHS employees in the event of an emergency or threat to safety. Nixle alerts will be sent in the form of an email, text message, and over the web. The service is secure, reliable, and easy to use. Information entered into Nixle is confidential and will not be sold to a third party. Nixle has been notified
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I am writing to express my interest in the recently posted Gaming Agent position with the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. At this time I am currently employed with the Office of the Bar Counsel in Massachusetts as an Investigator. My past work experiences and education make me an ideal candidate for this position. The Office of the Bar Counsel is responsible for investigating and prosecuting attorneys who have violated the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct. One of my major duties includes
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I recently read the article “Black culture beyond hip hop,” by Thomas Chatterton Williams. Reading this article confirms that the theme is blacks tend to rely heavy on hip hop and it is destroying the youth. Hip hop dictates how most carry themselves. Many people focus on how real they want to be or trying to be cool which hip hop has major influences on children and teens. After reading this article, a problem that I seen developing was how they are believing hip hop only has an impact on African
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continued to use the computer to commit crimes; this has greatly fascinated people and evoked a mixed feeling of admiration and fear. This phenomenon has seen sophisticated and unprecedented increase recently and has called for quick response in providing laws that would protect the cyber space and its users. The level of sophistication has gone high to the point of using the system to commit murder and other havoc. The first recorded cyber murder committed in the United States seven years ago according
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Introduction Social networking sites have become very popular avenues for people to communicate with family, friends and colleagues from around the corner or across the globe. While there can be benefits from the collaborative, distributed approaches promoted by responsible use of social networking sites, there are information security and privacy concerns. The volume and accessibility of personal information available on social networking sites have attracted malicious people who seek to exploit
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Technology and Communication Amy Pandiscio CJA/304 March 18th, 2014 Mr. Geoghegan Technology and Communication Technology has become far more advanced over the years in the criminal justice system. With all the advanced technology available, it affects the communication capabilities used within the system, both with positive and negative affects. This paper allows a person to learn a little more about the technology available and its affects. One advanced technology used in
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