Sticky Situations

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    CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION- The fascination of Indians for fair skin is well known. As several social commentators have pointed out, if there is any doubt about this, then people could just take a look at the matrimonial column of any newspaper. The preference for fair (or gori in the vernacular) brides screams at you from such columns. Social commentators go on to say that this preference is perhaps a hangover from the British colonial days, when the ruling colonizers, who were fair-skinned, had

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    Bergerac Systems the Challenge of Backward Integration

    rP os t 4381 DECEMBER 14, 2011 DAVID A. GARVIN SUNRU YONG Introduction op yo Bergerac Systems: The Challenge of Backward Integration In July 2010, Ian Wyckoff, CEO of Bergerac Systems, scribbled a few notes about his latest meeting with a group of veterinarians. These were his customers, and they provided direct feedback on their latest experiences with Bergerac’s diagnostic instruments for animal care. The feedback was always valuable, although on this visit it was not

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    Analysis of the Cosmetic Industry

    [pic] Table of Contents 1. Mission Statement 2 2. Market Research 2 3. Customers’ Needs 4 4. Market Analysis 7 5. SWOT Analysis 9 6. Porter’s 5 Forces Model 10 7. Product – Design and Features 11 8. Benefits 13 9. Technology 15 10. Management 18 11. Marketing Strategy 23 12. Budget 24 13. Limitations 25 14. Long Term Objectives 26 15.

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    61 Easy Ways To Lose Weight A few years ago, one of my friends at Men's Health stepped on the scale and was horrified by the result. He'd somehow managed to pack 20 pounds of flab onto his previously skinny frame. When he looked into the mirror, he saw a fat guy staring back. He decided to make a change, quick. 
 That day, he gave up his beloved soda. He was only drinking two or three bottles a day, but over the course of six months, he dropped those 20 pounds. It was a small change to his

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    Japan and It's Economic Evaluation

    Student Economic Review, Vol. 17, 2003, pp. 153-165 JAPAN IN THE DOLDRUMS: A STUDY OF DEFLATION AND RECESSION DANIEL J.C. BAKER Senior Freshman Japan's dream deflates Interest rates and Keiretsu Dan Baker blames you Introduction This essay examines the performance of the Japanese economy over the period 1985 to 2002 with reference to key economic variables, such as GDP growth, price stability performance, employment, and the public debt to GDP ratio, etc. We focus on the path the economy

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    Heart Attack

    A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to a portion of the heart muscle is severely reduced or stopped. This happens when one of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle is blocked by an obstruction. This blockage can be due to a condition called atherosclerosis (a buildup of fatty like substance along the wall of the artery), a blood clot or a coronary vessel spasm along with a total obstruction.  If the blood supply to a portion of the heart stops, that area of the heart will no

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    Computer Science

    Mahara Platform First established in mid 2006, the Mahara project started as collaborative venture funded by New Zealand's Tertiary Education Commission's e-learning Collaborative Development Fund (eCDF), involving Massey University, Auckland University of Technology, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, and Victoria University of Wellington. Continued development has been made possible by further support from New Zealand’s Ministry of Education and the application of Mellon Foundation funds from

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    LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, students should: ❑ Know what are the characteristics of products and how do marketers classify products. ❑ Know how companies can differentiate products ❑ Know how a company can build and manage its product mix and product lines ❑ Know how companies can combine products to create strong co-brands or ingredient brands ❑ Know how companies can use packaging, labeling, warranties, and guarantees as marketing tools

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    Android Tutorial

    Android Tutorial ANDROID TUTORIAL Simply Easy Learning by i ABOUT THE TUTORIAL Android Tutorial Android is an open source and Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. This tutorial will teach you basic Android programming and will also take you through some advance concepts related to Android application development

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    The Relationship between Interest Rate and Exchange Rate in India Pradyumna Dash[1] Introduction The theoretical as well as empirical relationship between the interest rate and exchange rate has been a debatable issue among the economists. According to Mundell-Fleming model, an increase in interest rate is necessary to stabilize the exchange rate depreciation and to curb the inflationary pressure and thereby helps to avoid many adverse economic consequences. The high interest rate

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