the effect of study habits on the academic performance

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    develop habits that make it difficult to stay energized. For example, bad eating habit can cause the students to feel sleepy during the class and it also may harm their health. The students should take healthy foods and do not skip their meals. This is important to keep them stay fit and energized. At the same time, some of the university students work part-time job to earn money. Having a part-time job may be exhausting for the students because they need to balance the time between study and work

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    Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of a College Student

    Pharmaceutical Education 2006; 70 (5) Article 104. RESEARCH ARTICLES Factors That Affect Academic Performance Among Pharmacy Students Sujit S. Sansgiry, PhD, Monali Bhosle, MS, and Kavita Sail, MS College of Pharmacy, University of Houston Submitted February 3, 2006; accepted April 14, 2006; published October 15, 2006. Objective. The objective of this study was to examine factors such as academic competence, test competence, time management, strategic studying, and test anxiety, and identify

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    Chapter 2

    LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter represents the review on related literature and studies regarding topic about the students who plays MOBA games (Multiplayer Online Base Arena) and its effect to their study habits and time management. Studies on productivity provided ideas as to how to design our own study, while the studies on work breaks gave us an idea of how merely not working for a segment would affect our study. This would mean that we could have a clear idea of the effect of the games

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    English Ii Task Ii

    The Effects of Mass Media on Adolescents Kelsey Wyatt Western Governors University Abstract This Paper contents reviews of several studies conducted on the effects of mass media on children and adolescents. Most of the research suggests that over exposure and unsupervised use of mass media outlets can alter the psychological development of children, as well as create anxieties in adolescents. All of the researched reviewed examines the effects of all media other than book content. Research

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    Social Network Site

    SNS. People consume a lot of time on this sites uploading or downloading, getting information or sending information concerning their career or academic work. People are always online every second, chatting with friends, watching online videos or movie, doing research. Social Network Site has become a habit for some people, they find it difficult to study for one hour without logging in to one network site. Some users have become very smart because of the information they get from the Social Network

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    Nutrition and Academic Performance 1 NUTRITION AND ITS EFFECTS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE HOW CAN OUR SCHOOLS IMPROVE? By Amy Ross SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS EDUCATION AT NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNDERSITY July 28, 2010 APPROVED BY: DATE: Derek L. Anderson, Ed.D. August 2, 2010 Nutrition and Academic Performance 2 Table of contents Abstract ...…………………………………………………………………………………………3 Chapter I: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………

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    Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire These questionnaires help you look at some of your academic skills and gives a general idea of how to view your abilities.  Be honest in responding since that provides you with the most useful information.  Pay attention to your highest and lowest scores as they will indicate stronger and weaker areas. The Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire is divided into 8 sections. Each section usually takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Section 1:  Time Management

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    Chapter Ii in Study Habits

    The review of related literature of this study identifies how fear and interest, together with the students’ study habits can affect their performance in various subject matters, specifically, mathematics. To begin this chapter, the researchers will define the variables involved in the study, namely, fear and its types, interest, study habits and mathematics. The researchers will also examine other research studies and articles that show how these variables are related. This

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    University - East Asia College Students on the Effects of Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationship in Academic Grades A Research Paper Presented to: Ms. Loida R. Soreta Submitted by: Ruth Anne Geliberte Kathleen D. Mendoza Far Eastern University - East Asia College April 12, 2011 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study On a daily basis, college students are faced with a conflict of interest: to study or not to study. Often times these decisions are affected by outside

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    Qualifying Exam

    EFFECTS OF TAKING QUALIFYING EXAMINATION TO THIRD YEAR ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction Examination is one of the best ways to prove whether a student, or anyone who undergoes learning, learned something from what they have studied. Exam results can show in which lesson the students were not able to fully understand and what they were able to. But does this result help the student improve in their studies, and how those this results affect them, especially

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