The History Of Prisons

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    Rehabilitating Criminals

    Government Accountability (OPPAGA), ‘90% of the inmates are sooner or later released from prison.’ Another reason for the rehabilitant programs and other treatment is because, “The department screens inmates entering the system, and has determined that over two- thirds (68%) have less than ninth grade literacy proficiency and most were unemployed before incarceration; over 60% of the inmates also have a history of substance abuse, and 16% have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness” (Corrections

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    Escape from Camp 14

    Trauma of Shin Dong-hyuk Do you know about North Korean’s political prison camps? Many people might do not know what there are. They have existed twice as long as Stalin’s Soviet gulags and twelve times as long as the Nazi concentration camps. No one born and raised in these camps is known to have escaped. But Shin Dong-hyuk did. He was destined to a life of hard labor and an early death. Thinking of love and family were no meaning. He just saw his mother as a competitor for food. He is taught

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    Assistant District Attorney Case Study

    but even more so when involving a person of law. These acts hurt both the life of the child, the community, and even that of the Assistant District Attorney. In this particular case, the Assistant District Attorney was sentenced to five years in prison and ten years on probation. Some may believe this to not be a fair sentence in terms of justice for the child. One of the most popular topics of our social contract is the right of the state to issue punishment. Part of this right also includes correction

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    Residential Placement Hypothesis

    incarceration in a state or federal prison. - A slightly smaller percentage of offenders in the UST and CG groups were white (43% and 46%). An equal percentage of the UST group had at least one previous arrest (90%), whereas a slightly lower percentage of the CG group had at least one previous arrest (86%). However, a greater percentage of offenders in the UST and CG groups were male (91% and 92%) and had at least one previous incarceration in a state or federal prison (41% and

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    Scottsborro Boys

    in Kirby Prison, having their case appealed twice to the United States Supreme Court. During the return of the case to the lower court, one of the girls, Ruby admitted to fabricating the rape accusations and explained that none of the Scottsboro boys touched her or her friend, Victoria. The jury still managed to find the defendants guilty. Another trial, with one black member within the jury, freed four more of the Scottsboro boys. Of those who remained in prison, one was shot by a prison guard, two

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    Female Inmates Research Paper

    alarming rate of victimization. This is what makes female inmates a special population category. Elderly inmates are a population that needs special care and attention and female inmates have the same necessities. The Women’s Prison Reformatory Movement Throughout history, women had been branded as domicile, obedient and appeared to be property of the men in their lives i.e. husbands or fathers. With the Criminal Justice System being fairly

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    three to five year sentence. Despite an investigation showing that Souders needed urgent psychiatric care, He was chained down by the hands, feet, and waist, for up 17 hours at a time. According to prison rules, Souders activity was recorded on a 24 hour surveillance camera and by the guards. The prison tape recordings show a rapid decline in Souders mental health. He started healthy, but in four days’ time he could barely walk. The article reports that in the shower he fell over. The guards had to

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    Abbreviated Quantitative Plan

    Abbreviated Quantitative Plan Abbreviated Quantitative Plan Introduction Recidivism amongst United States inmates has been an on-going battle since the existence of prison institution (Serin & Lloyd, 2009). As prison populations continue to grow today, statistics show one out of every100 adults are incarcerated (Boduszek, Adamson, Shevlin, Mallett & Hyland, 2013). Scholars have discussed and debated for centuries what factors tend to incite criminal behavior. Over time, many

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    Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X

    Differences Throughout history there have been many great leaders who have made an immense impact. However, none of them can compare to the enormous amount of impact that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had. Both men displayed a massive amount of courage while trying to put an end to racism when no one else dared to. They both stood up for what they believed in no matter how much they were ridiculed. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two of the most recognized leaders in history who both had the

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    Mass Incarceration Research Paper

    disenfranchisement it is easier to control people of color and legally discriminate against those who have been convicted of felonies by implementing laws that enable them to be productive citizens upon their return to society. The United States has a very dark history or oppressing the minority, this has been done through many practices such as slavery, Jim Crow laws etc. Although America has made strides in certain areas regarding equal quality of living for all, America still has ways to go. The oppressive was

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