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Female Inmates Research Paper

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Female Inmates: Why They Should Be a Special Population Category Women who are incarcerated deal with many different and difficult situations. These situations range from physical to psychological. In addition to personal struggles, female inmates go through the prisonization process and deal with an alarming rate of victimization. This is what makes female inmates a special population category. Elderly inmates are a population that needs special care and attention and female inmates have the same necessities.
The Women’s Prison Reformatory Movement Throughout history, women had been branded as domicile, obedient and appeared to be property of the men in their lives i.e. husbands or fathers. With the Criminal Justice System being fairly …show more content…
(Collica, 2010) These relationships amongst female inmates are those that are based off support and love. Titles in these families include “jail-mom, jail-dad, and jail children.” Some families are extended more as to use titles like “jail siblings, jail-aunts, jail-uncles” (Collica, 2010) A misconception of pseudo families is that there are homosexual relationships throughout. Even though consensual homosexual relationships do occur, they are not the main purpose or nucleus of the subculture. Jail-parents are tasked with making sure their jail-children abide by not only inmate code but the rules of the prison as well. The subculture of pseudo families is in competition with prison programs. Female prisons started to utilize educational and vocational programs causing a “decrease in pseudo families” (Collica, 2010) this concept is fathomable because if the inmates are too busy being productive, they are too busy to be troublesome. Prison programs can’t reduce the need of the emotional aspect that the pseudo relationships …show more content…
Toilets lacked privacy. Grievance procedures were absent. Women did not feel physically or sexually safe. Male staff observed them shower. Guards not only assaulted the women, but served as “look-outs” during assaults by other staff.” (Frank, 2014)
Issues such as the preceding can be seen as issues all over the United States in correctional facilities. “The United States has the highest incarceration rate on earth” with there being over 2.2 million people in jail or prison. Around 190,000 of them are female and the United States has more female inmates than any other country. (Frank, 2014) It’s not plausible that we as society release female inmates because they are being victimized, but instead we should work harder on policies to prevent such victimization. The Prison Rape Elimination Act or “PREA” which is an act that was signed into to law in 2003 is supposed to be a zero tolerance policy toward sexual abuse within correctional facilities. (Frank, 2014) The implementation of this act was clearly not taking place at the Tutwiler facility. It should be common sense that as a correctional officer, you should not cross any sexual boundaries with the inmates, even if

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