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Why Learn Research Paper

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Why Learn? Students go to school five times a week, why? Why do so many people waste their time to educate kids? The answer is that they do it because education is supposed to make sure that students have a good future ahead of them and when they grow up, they are able to contribute to the world rather than being a liability. It is supposed to make sure that students survive in the real world by good means and take the world a step closer to being perfect. Education is like a loan, it loans knowledge to the students for life, which they are expected to pay back by contributing to the world when they grow up. But for most of the students that loan is not paid back. They grow up to live a normal or harsh life. Many of them stick to their …show more content…
But that happens only in a perfect fantasy world. In the real world, some people aren’t capable enough to give back and others just plain out refuse to, the former being poor people and the latter being criminals. We cannot wipe out all the poverty and the criminals but we can lower that number by education. It is just common sense, you do not want to be living on the streets. Avoiding or getting yourself and your family out of poverty is a major and probably the most common reason why people want to educate themselves. If education is available and affordable to everyone, then according to Horace Mann, titled the father of public education, there would be significantly less poverty and crime “Education….It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility towards the rich: it prevents being poor”. In her explanation of what parents want in their kids “we want them to be able to read and write and be numerate. But that is not enough. We want to prepare them for a useful life. We want them to be able to think for themselves when they are out in the world on their own…….societies” Diane Ravitch lays out the ultimate purpose of education. She presents to their readers the qualities of, in her view, the perfect person and then goes on to claim that this can be achieved by improving

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