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Who Is Bilbo A Hero

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Have you ever thought of what makes a hero well a hero is it sitting around in a hole doing nothing but eat and enjoying life not really, at least when I think of a hero I think of someone who is strong,bold,brave, and just all around really well known for what they do. That is not the case with Bilbo Baggins have you ever heard the saying don’t judge a book by it’s cover well this is one of those situations Bilbo is well known for doing what he does and that is sitting around doing well every thing that a normal hobbit does these things being sitting around eating and just enjoying the comforts of life. Bilbo is not considered strong to begin with at the start of the book but by the end they find out where most of his strength really is and that is in the way he thinks about situations at the start of the book he would just rush into situations without any preparation but by the end of the book he is considered the biggest hero of them all.

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