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The Seventh Man Research Paper

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Imagine being only 10 years old and being in the eye of a typhoon that is the worst in 10 years. Walking to the beach front in those brief minutes that feel like eternity, anything can happen in those brief minutes. Getting there and not recognizing where you are because of the debris and how far out the tide is. You turn your back for a second and your best friend is swept away right in front of you and, try as hard as you can to help, but by the time you realize that the wave is too close and takes him away from you and you blame yourself for saving yourself and not trying hard enough. This is exactly what The Seventh Man felt when he lost what he called a brother, K. I think The Seventh Man should forgive himself because how was he supposed …show more content…
“Indeed, the soldiers I’ve talked to, involved in friendly fire accidents that took their comrades’ lives, didn’t feel regret for what happened, but raw, deep, unabashed guilt. And the guilt persisted long after they were formally investigated and ultimately exonerated” (Sherman 155). Many soldiers try to rationalize their guilt even though they may be 4500 miles away when their comrades are lost in friendly fire or something else. This is how The Seventh Man felt when he was like a football field length away from his friend K. when the wave swept him away. What he is experiencing is survivor guilt. Survivor guilt is the feeling of when you survive a catastrophe and someone you’re with is not as lucky. I believe that he was feeling this because he survived the wave when K. didn’t really have a chance. Many psychologists believe this too, because they believe that when you survive something drastic and someone you love dearly doesn’t survive you feel this guilt that is not rational. I believe this because when you are a victim of this you cannot blame yourself for something you could not have

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