The Perfect Body

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    Media and Feminine Beauty

    passing through the subway station, it is quite often to see numerous images of female faces and bodies. Women are exposed in the world where most women display in films and on subway advertising boards are striking poses with little clothes on. Moreover, every image showed is airbrushed with Photoshop. Women are exposed with images produced by the media on what is considered to be the ideal face and body. The way media portray feminine beauty today changes the publics’ standard on feminine beauty and

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    Plastic Surgery

    people believe that it is a science to increase the beauty of a person. The basic aim of this surgery is to enhance the appearance of the individual by altering the parts of the body. As quoted in a journal published the “Surgeons sometimes suspect their patients are trying to solve emotional problems by altering their bodies (Gimlin)”. However, there are people who disagree and don’t believe cosmetic surgery will help people improve self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery should not be encourage for normal

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    Women's Oppression Video Analysis

    woman’s body is merely an “object” that should be kept “pure” and “clean”. Heaven forbid one realizes that the female body oozes and gushes like any other! The commercial simply reduces a woman down to one part: their vagina. It also reduces straight male/female relationships to pure lust, exemplified by “…over the ages and throughout the world men have fought for it, battled for it, even died for it.” IT. Apparently meaning that the “V” is the most important thing about a woman and her body. Forget

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    Eon's Past

    myself…but I sure wish I could’ve done so. Not too long after I was born a dark figure approached me and picked me up from the patch of grass in which I laid on and held me in his arms. The words he said to me as I looked up at him were, “You’re perfect…” He carried me to his house and tooked me to what seemed to be some sort of laboratory. As he sat me down on a cold steel top he began to examine me as if to make sure that I was perfectly healthy. At the time I found it quite amusing and giggled

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    Long before beauty pageants, Barbie dolls, and extra-ordinarily beautiful girls, came about the idea of the female body. Whether you are a believer of creationalism, scientology, or evolutionism, somehow we all came about with the perception of the “perfect” female. Women have always been seen, and portrayed as a sex symbol, and usually the disobedient one. Dating back to B.C and the story of Adam and Eve, Eve was the naked one who bit into the fruit that god told her was forbidden. Why couldn’t

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    Ancient Greek Medicine Research Paper

    cultivate the blood by eating a lot of spinach and leafy green vegetables while keeping from too much meat as it might make the blood acidic. Eating also had steps and guidelines so people could eat as much as they desire and maintain a healthy body. Epicureanism is a classical Greek philosophy which depicts the maximum amount of pleasure possible while refining an appreciation with the senses. Epicureanism is the foundation and thinking behind gourmet cuisine and meals. The ways ancient Greeks

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    Western Medicine

    pathophysiology expressed by the external and internal insults; the concept of maintaining and promoting health expressed by the circulation of chi and hsieh; the therapeutic concept in Chinese medicine-the normalization or reestablishment of balance of the body function; the concept of preventive medicine. Two WESTERN STATES in the United States, Nevada and Hawaii, have regulated acupuncture as an independent practice not requiring medical referral or supervision.' Two other states have ruled that

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    Finished Time: 11/05/2012 Google's Monopoly and Internet Freedom By JEFFREY KATZ Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2012 Never is the issue concerning monopoly and perfect competitive market failing to attract our eyes. And this is also a hot topic we discussed in our economics course. According to the article, Google, the most popular search engine in the world, controls nearly 82% of the global search market and 98%

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    Phil 201

    An Atheist” by H.J. McCloskey H.J. McCloskey attempted to contradict the arguments proving Gods existence used by theists in the article “On Being an Atheist”. Although there is no sufficient proof in the cosmological argument of their being a perfect creator, it does however provide evidence of a singular being. The evidence of an almighty creator is provided by the simple element of complex design. However, though this almighty creator allows the existence of evil in the world, He was not the

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    Trip to a Bowling Tournament The bowling tournament is a place where one would expect such excitement and nervousness. This could be carried as one would enter the venue and would start to hear the bowling pins throwing their bodies against one another and the hard floor as they got pinned down starting with the heavy thud of the ball. The first thing that could be observed with the bowling tournament is the straight bowling lanes where everyone’s attention is. The wooden floor is made shiny

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