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Women's Oppression Video Analysis

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This video is a clear feature of women’s oppression in that it focuses entirely on the sex/gender system, which is the fundamental cause of all women’s oppression. The problem with this video is that it suggests that a woman’s body is merely an “object” that should be kept “pure” and “clean”. Heaven forbid one realizes that the female body oozes and gushes like any other!
The commercial simply reduces a woman down to one part: their vagina. It also reduces straight male/female relationships to pure lust, exemplified by “…over the ages and throughout the world men have fought for it, battled for it, even died for it.” IT. Apparently meaning that the “V” is the most important thing about a woman and her body. Forget the rest, am I right?
It also implies that childbearing and hence, motherhood, is another important factor about being a women. Women should substitute artificial for natural modes of reproduction. The less women are involved in the reproductive process, the more time a women will have to engage in society and be productive. Motherhood is something that women should not feel “obligated” to simply because they can “bare children”. Motherhood places unreasonable demands upon a woman’s body as well as their energy.
The video clearly …show more content…
The mass media is an agent of culture that has put an emphasis on the image of an “ideal women”, reinforcing the belief that all women should be “thin” and “beautiful”. Because women today in our capitalistic economy enjoy more freedom and benefits than ever before, there is a stronger emphasis on culture and the resulting pressure to look “good” because of this culture-mindset. This creates nothing but insecurities for women. Capitalistic societies generally have an access of material which means that the struggle for survival is lessened, and as such humans retort to other sorts of details in a society, and in this case concerning women: their

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