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Afrikaners Research Paper

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When the Afrikaners first moved to South Africa they started to use racial superiority as their way of life. In South Africa they were three main tribes that were there before the Afrikaners. They were the Koi Khoi, San, and the Bantu. These tribes had many experiences with the Afrikaners. Most of them were bad because the Afrikaners discriminated them and thought that the tribes were of less meaning to the community. Afrikaners developed racial superiority in South Africa by having early dominance and racial ideas to reinforce their power. In the Battle of Blood River the Afrikaners showed their power and dominance. They won the fight without any casualties and thought that God made them ensure their victory. The Afrikaners thought they were God’s chosen people and that He made them divine and have more power and control. After the battle the Afrikaners took the land of the Khoisan. Also, they started to enslave them and take all of their land and supplies. The Afrikaners were able to enslave the tribes because of their laws of Apartheid. This meant that they could take in slaves and not …show more content…
They compared themselves to the Israelites in the Bible times and thought that They were God’s people. Another thing that shaped the way that Afrikaners thought were how they are better than the African tribes. They made assumptions that they were better than others on their race and their background from Europe. During the mineral revolution the young Afrikaners started to learn that they were at the top of society. They saw how all of the black workers were treated unfairly and forced to live in compounds. Also, the young children observed how white workers got paid a lot more money and they could choose where they lived. Lastly, the kids made racial assumptions based on what was going on in the world and they believed that they were the best

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