The Urinary System

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    B3 Revision Check List

    B3 Biology checklist | | |What You Need To Know |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | |D/C |Explain different types of behaviour: innate, courtship, habituation, imprinting and conditioning. | | | | | |B/A |Describe the work of different ethnologists helps to explain different types of behaviour. | |

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    Chapter 33: Animal Nutrition * Nutrition: food is taken in, taken apart, and taken up * Herbivores (plants or algae) vs. Carnivores (other animals) vs. Omnivores (All) * Most animals are opportunistic feeders – eat outside their standard diet when their usual foods aren’t available * Animals must eat * But, to survive and reproduce balance their consumption, storage, and use of food 33.1: AN ANIMAL’S DIET MUST SUPPLY CHEMICAL ENERGY, ORGANIC MOLECULES, AND ESSENIAL

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    I. INTRODUCTION A. OVERVIEW Gallstones are collection of one or more stones in the gallbladder, which is the hollow organ under the liver that stores bile. Cholecystolithiasis is the fifth leading cause of hospitalization among adults. The disease may also be occurring in persons who are obese, who have high cholesterol, or who are on cholesterol lowering drugs. In most cases, gallbladder and bile duct diseases occur during middle age. Between ages 20 and 50, they're six times more

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    Geriatric Health Assessment

    Geriatric History and Physical with Problem List and Plan Health Assessment Lab
 General Patient Information Client: 81-year-old Caucasian/Italian female Source: Client, seems reliable Marital status: Widower Religion: Catholic
 Occupation: House wife Formal education: High school Primary language: English, written and spoken Secondary: None Reason for Seeking Care: Shortness of breath and productive cough. History of Present Illness: Recurrent episodes of

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    Sci/162 Wk7 Staphylococcus

    significant damage through serious infections. The bacteria appear in many forms and are able to create multiple diseases at once. For example acne, boils, styes (infections of the eyelids) are the result of their action. They can be the cause of urinary track infections, and methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These Bacteria build up strength naturally, and they will not dissipate with the common antibiotics treatment such as penicillin, special medications are required. 2. Infectious

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    Ketamine: Annotated Bibliography Brunette, Katharine E. et al. "Exploring The Pharmacokinetics Of Oral Ketamine In Children Undergoing Burns Procedures." Pediatric Anesthesia 21.6 (2011): 653. Advanced Placement Source. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. This source is a very helpful source to both my research and my understanding of my topic as a whole. This article is about one of the many medical uses of the drug Ketamine, treating burn victims. I know that this source is valid because I found on the EBSCO

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    Benjamin Franklin Biography

    Benjamin Franklin Biography Born in January of 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin is an iconic figure in American history and throughout the world (Gaustad 2003). Among other things, he was one of the most well known politicians and civil activists of the Enlightenment Era in North America. He was known for his role as Ambassador to France, and his work to gain French military assistance during the American Revolution. Franklin was also one of the Founding Fathers who signed the

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    Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition associated with abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood resulting from the body's inability to produce insulin or resistance to insulin action, or both.[1] Out of all cases of diabetes, Type 1 diabetes represents 5% to 10%. Its risk factors include autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors. To be honest, there are no known approaches to prevent type 1 diabetes. The other 90% to 95% of all diagnosed diabetes cases is represented by Type 2 diabetes

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    Carbohydrate Fluid Exercises

    When an athlete is training and progress reaches a halt, it is a mark that the motor units within the body have reached the limit of their adaptive response. Groups of motor units often work together to coordinate the contractions of a single muscle. When this occurs, many athletes will turn to supplements to gain the advantage on their competitors. Protein drinks and variety of vitamins will be top of the list for athletes but they wont always have the desired effect, this is due to the athlete

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    the blood stream and causes viremia. In more than 99% of those cases, the viremia lasts only for a short time and does not result in clinical disease. In the other less that 1% cases, the viremia persists and goes into the central nervous system and this causes paralytic polio. Next, there are three different types of polio. These three types include sub­clinical, non- paralytic, and paralytic. Sub­clinical polio does not affect the brain nor the spinal cord. About 95% of the cases

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