| Corporate Governance2 CreditsBU.231.720.84 Days and time: Wednesdays. 9:00 am – 12:00 pmSpring 2, 2015 March 25 - May 13, 2015HE BaltimoreRoom #206 | Instructor Dr. Demir Yener Contact Information 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington DC. Office: 206K. Phone Number: (202) 650-6022; E-mail Address: demir.yener@jhu.edu Office Hours Mondays 4:30 – 5:00 pm or by appointment Required Text and Learning Materials: 1) Monks, Robert A.G. and Nell Minow. Corporate Governance
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and originated from traditional economic theory and industrial organization tradition. The second one has originated from a resource and competency based view of business organizations. Both approaches are centered on techno-economic factors of sustainable competitive advantage. Very less importance is given to the role and impact of top manager’s actions and their organizational behavior in the overall profitability and competitiveness of a business firm. The loyalty, commitment and pro-activeness
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CORPORATE OWNERSHIP IN LATIN AMERICAN FIRMS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DUAL-CLASS SHARES Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro Rafel Crespi i Cladera Universitat de les Illes Balears Ruth V. Aguilera University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign We assembly new data on dual-class firms in Latin America and analyze the relationship between the largest shareholder characteristics and its decision to leverage voting rights. First, we describe who are the largest shareholders in Latin American firms. Second
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Online Assignment Submission Birmingham Business School Student ID Number: 1178691 Programme Of Study: Bsc. Business Management Year in Industry Module: International Corporate Governance Assignment Title: Critically discus the extent to which you consider the initiatives aimed at corporate governance reform in the UK represent an improvement to the system of corporate governance Date and Time of Submission: 13/11/2014 11:00AM Please ensure that you complete and attach this
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IMPACT OF DIVIDEND POLICY ON SHAREHOLDERS’ VALUE: A STUDY OF INDIAN FIRMS Synopsis of the Thesis to be submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In MANAGEMENT By Sujata Kapoor Enrollment No: 064009053 Date of Registration: July 2006 Under the Guidance of Supervisor: Dr Kanwal Anil Co-Supervisor: Dr Naseem Abidi Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida A-10, SECTOR 62, NOIDA, INDIA (12) December, 2009 Sujata Kapoor, JBS, JIIT,Dec’ 2009
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form 31 January 2001 a Abstract We review research from the 1990s that examines the determinants and consequences of accounting choice, structuring our analysis around the three types of market imperfections that influence managers’ choices: agency costs, information asymmetries, and externalities affecting non-contracting parties. We conclude that research in the 1990s made limited progress in expanding our understanding of accounting choice because of limitations in research design and a focus
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IMPACT OF DIVIDEND POLICY ON SHAREHOLDERS’ VALUE: A STUDY OF INDIAN FIRMS Synopsis of the Thesis to be submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In MANAGEMENT By Sujata Kapoor Enrollment No: 064009053 Date of Registration: July 2006 Under the Guidance of Supervisor: Dr Kanwal Anil Co-Supervisor: Dr Naseem Abidi Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida A-10, SECTOR 62, NOIDA, INDIA (12) December, 2009 Sujata Kapoor, JBS, JIIT,Dec’ 2009
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DETERMINANTS OF CEO COMPENSATION: EVIDENCE FROM MALAYSIAN BANKING INDUSTRY CHONG KOK CHIEK (AC082799) MUHAMMAD AZWAN BIN MOHD ARIFFIN (AC082868) SITI SUHANNA BINTI ABDUL GHANI (AC083010) BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING (HONS.) COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING UNIVERSITI TENAGA NASIONAL 2012 DECLARATION We hereby declare that this project is our original work except for quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledged and that it has not been previously and/or concurrently
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and/or management must affect incentives within the nonprofit firm in ways that are compatible with trustworthiness (Aincentive compatibility challenge@), (2) nonprofit behavior must not be adulterated by individuals taking advantage of the perceived trustworthiness (Aadulteration challenge@), and (3) nonprofit status must be treated as a reliable predictor of organizational behavior by consumers, when the reputation of individual firms is not seen as reliable (Areputational ubiquity challenge@).
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and 2Kashif-Ur-Rehman 1 2 Foundation University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Iqra University Islamabad Campus, Pakistan Abstract: This study measures the relationship between organizational performance and financial management practices like capital structure decision, dividend policy, investment appraisal techniques, working capital management and financial performance assessment in Pakistani corporate sector. Sample of the study consisted of forty companies operating in Pakistan, related to different
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