Triple Bottom Line

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    Federal Express Corporation Social Responsibility Strategy Prepared for: Board of Directors FedEx Corporation Prepared by: Kakish Consulting Group: Lily Kakish March 28, 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 1994, John Elkington coined the term triple bottom line. (TBL) “As originator of the term, I have often been asked how it was conceived and born. As far as I can remember – and memory is a notoriously fallible thing – there was no single eureka! moment. Instead, in 1994 we had been looking for new

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    Mba Research Paper

    RESEARCH PAPER NO. 1805 Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation Effects on MBA Job Choice David B. Montgomery Catherine A. Ramus May 2003 RESEARCH PAPER SERIES CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPUTATION EFFECTS ON MBA JOB CHOICE David B.Montgomery1 Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing Strategy -Emeritus Graduate School of Business Stanford University Stanford, CA Tel: (650) 723 3029 Email: & Dean, School of Business Singapore Management University

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    Based on my own opinion about the “responsible business” is the legal sector has long been involved in elements of Responsible Business but I am not sure that all would recognize the term responsible business. This is not because they are not responsible but more because the legal sector is still a bit behind the times when it comes to Corporate Responsibility (CR), Sustainability or as I heard it called recently ESG (Environment, Social and Governance). Yes there are some firms with fantastic and

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Tutorial 1 * Sustainability * Sustainability reporting * GRI Framework * S’pore Airlines & Capitaland to use GRI * Most Companies use GRI * Recommend for improvement * Should not commenting on “using other activity”, reduce fuel price” * Look @ quality of report and reporting process * Ask ourselves and benchmark what is quality of report Make reference to SGX Report print out * Look @ page 4 & page 5 on sustainability questions to use for coursework

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    Environmentally Sustainable Management

    Assignment 1: Environmentally Sustainable Management Environmental sustainability is about more than just cleaning up after the messes we make. It goes beyond recycling and reusing resources and rather focuses on the goal of eliminating the item to reuse or recycle in the first place. After years of wasteful use of natural resources, it has become extremely important to make big changes to the way individuals and businesses conduct themselves for the benefit of our future generations. Why

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    LG ON SUSTAINABILITY What do you think is the most important for sustainability management at LG Electronics? In a rapidly changing business environment, we cannot afford to remain still; we have to constantly think about ways to achieve growth and advance our businesses. At the same time, we have to always remember that our customers are the absolute and enduring standard that drives our thinking, inspires our actions, and pushes us forward, as we focus on creating positive impact on the

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    EDINBURGH NAPIER UNIVERSITY BA (ACCOUNTING) FULL-TIME PROGRAMME 2013-14 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT WONG LAI HUNG 40136508 CONTENT Introduction ................................................................................................. P. 3 Evaluation - Reporting Quality Balance ........................................................................................................ P. 4 Comparability ........................................

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    Communal Social Responsibility

    Communal Social Responsibility ETH-316 September 2012 University of Phoenix Communal Social Responsibility Social responsibility manifests itself in many forms. Volunteerism, monetary donations, and environmental initiatives are examples of activities any person in the community can participate. Corporations that operate within the boundaries of a community, referred to as a Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR. The decisions that a company makes ultimately has an effect on the community

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    Letter from Ceo

    LETTER FROM THE CEO In this case, we will study the letter of the CEO of the company PEPSI. * Regarding the first point to discussed, corporate social responsibility/ responsiveness/ performance: All these concept deals about the Corporate Citizenship, and this is because the Corporate Social Responsibility may also be referred to as "corporate citizenship" and can involve incurring short-term costs that don´t provide an immediate financial benefit to the company, but promote positive social

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    Michigan State University Material – GBL295 BY HARILAOS I. SOROVIGAS, MBA, JD CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PAPER Paper Overview This is an assignment that requires Learning Team (Group) effort for its completion. Each Learning Team is required to select two (2) companies/organizations and read their Corporate Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Citizenship Report to complete the CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PAPER. The CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PAPER is an assignment that

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