[pic] Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies MARKS : 80 COURSE : MBA SUB: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS N. B.: 1) Attempt any four cases 2) All cases carries equal marks. No: 1 BPO – BANE OR BOON ? Several MNCs are increasingly unbundling or vertical disintegrating their activities. Put in simple language, they have begun outsourcing (also called business process outsourcing) activities formerly performed in-house and concentrating
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GE 1301- PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES UNIT I & II – HUMAN VALUES The Story of a Carpenter An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house- building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss his paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter
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TABLE OF CONTENTS TO CRIM LAW (Levine) I. Overview of CJS A. Theories of Punishment 1. Utilitarian 2. Retributive B. Who should be punished? 1. Excuse (Because of personal condition X I shouldn’t be punished) 2. Justification (I acted in the right way and don’t deserve to be punished) C. Principles that Limit Punishment 1. Legality, Vagueness Lenity II. Components of a Crime A. Actus Reus 1. Conduct 2. Attendant
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Reconstruction 5 5. Post-Reconstruction Cases 6 Class 2: The Advent of American Constitutional Law: Brown 7 6. RACIAL EQUALITY 7 7. Brown I (1954) The segregation of children in public schools based solely on race violates the Equal Protection Clause. 7 2. Brown II 8 3. What was the constitutional harm in Brown? 8 4. THEORY 8 5. Subsequent School Desegregation 9 Class 3: Local Efforts to Desegregate: Parents Involved 11 6. Parents Involved 11 Class 4:
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FIDUCIARY DUTIES AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES OF CORPORATE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Morrison & Foerster LLP Christopher M. Forrester Celeste S. Ferber RR DONNELLEY EZ START XBRL We Tag. You Validate. We File. With the release of the proposed rule, the SEC will require the use of XBRL for financial reporting starting as early as 2009 for some companies. RR Donnelley is uniquely qualified to give you guidance on how your company can prepare for the SEC mandate. As the market leader in XBRL
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Unit I Foreign Policy What is Foreign Policy? Foreign policy has many exegesis as there are internationalist who attempt to define this most intriguing subject of international relations. Initially, it has been define as a “ statement of national goals limited both absolutely and relatively by national power”. The Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines prefers to allude to it as “ set of guidelines articulated by the government to a country in order to promote its national interest
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EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 292 INSTITUTING THE “ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987” WHEREAS, the Administrative Code currently in force was first forged in 1917 when the relationship between the people and the government was defined by the colonial order then prevailing; chanroblespublishingcompany WHEREAS, efforts to achieve an integrative and over-all recodification of its provisions resulted in the Administrative Code of 1978 which, however, was never published and later expressly repealed; WHEREAS
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Capital punishment, also called death penalty, is the execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. The practice of executing people for certain crimes is very old; in fact, the term itself dates to a Latin root, capitalis, which means “of the head,” a reference to a common execution method used in Roman times. Currently 58 nations actively practice it, 97 countries have abolished it, and the remainders have not used it for 10 years or allow
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GUJARAT UNIVERSITY SYLLABI OF THREE YEARS LL.B. PROGRAMME WITH CREDIT BASED SYSTEM (As prescribed b y the BAR CO UNCIL OF INDI A and as per the Rules of Legal Education, 2008) Effective from the academic year 2011-12 THREE YEARS’ LL.B. POGRAMME First LL. B. Semester – I FIRST LL.B. - S EMES TER 1 (MONSOON ) PE R WE EK S UBJEC TS LEC TURE S OT HER S T OT AL C RED IT S (SE M)29 CORE COURSE 101 L aw of T ort i ncludi ng MV A cci dent And C on sum er Pr ot ecti
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consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry. Towards this end, the State shall implement measures to achieve the following objectives: (a) protection against hazards to health and safety; (b) protection against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices; (c) provision of information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer; (d) provision
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