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    Pt2520 Unit 5 Assignment

    of correctly recognized words, I is the number of incorrect recognitions and N is the number of total words. A simulation of 200 runs is performed. To this end, a two small but well-known databases are used. The simulations are performed in two phases: the training phase and the testing phase. During the training phase, different words are estimated by GMM models and stored in the codebook to be used later during the testing phase. During the testing phase, unknown words are presented by GMMs and

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    Juxtaposition In The Song 'Nothing But Flowers'

    Alexander Tran Humanities III Period 6 9/14/17 “(Nothing But) Flowers” Lit Term Juxtaposition: A juxtaposition is when multiple ideas are placed next to each other to compare and contrast them . Juxtapositions can be used to introduce two sides of an argumentative statement, and putting them close together for comparison. Author can use juxtapositions to show their bias towards an idea by juxtaposing it with the opposite stance to show the differences, like an antithesis. Example: “There was a

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    What Is Hayden's Word Choice

    Word choice is by far one of the most significant aspects that characterizes literature in general. However, in regards to poetry, “the choice and order of words”, known as diction, is especially paramount. Author Robert Hayden was fully aware of this fact. Consequently, he placed an exorbitant amount of effort into selecting the phrases he would employ in his works. A prime example of this, is his piece “Middle Passage” where his word choice has a particularly colossal impact (“Elements of Poetry”)

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    生產/作業管理期末報告 -----企業診斷 勤億蛋品科技 中華民國105年1月 目錄 * 前言 1. 研究動機 2. 研究目的 3. 研究問題 4. 研究流程 * 個案分析 1. 公司簡介 2. 生產流程 3. 產品介紹 * 問題分析 * 問題解決與建議 * 結論 * 資料來源 * 前言 1. 研究動機 蛋品為民生必需品,供應商多競爭激烈,但勤億蛋品在眾多競爭者中仍能維持自身優勢,身居全臺最大蛋品供應商。而隨市場環境變動影響,為穩固品牌地位,需不斷謹慎檢驗企業內部及外部品牌相關層面,在發現問題後,選擇適合的因應措施,妥善並快速解決問題。故本組選擇勤億蛋品作為研究對象,瞭解勤億蛋品的現況問題,並思索如何妥善解決。 2. 研究目的 藉由觀察勤億蛋品現況問題並找出解決方法,瞭解應該如何和顧客維持良好關係,並確保產品品質,避免品牌為此受打擊。 因此本組列出以下兩點研究目的: 1. 研究如何恰當地回應、處理顧客的問題,維持顧客忠誠度。 2.

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    literal forms of language makes it difficult to engage in productive thinking. Having the capacity to understand figurative language increases our ability to communicate with each other. By increasing our word bank we expand our knowledge base and increase our thinking capacity. Below are a list of ten words with their meaning, definitions, examples and appropriate circumstances in which to use them. 1. Describe the meaning and function of each term. 1. Idiom is a language, dialect or speaking style

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    hesitate to say the actual words “I love you”. One can say “I love you” in many ways: by means of nice presents and little notes, smiles and sometimes tears. Sometimes we show our love when we are quiet and do not say a word, at the other times – we speak loud to express it. Sometimes we show our love by impulsiveness. Many times we have to show our love when we forgive someone. The problem with our world is that people don’t learn to listen to each other. They hear the words, but they don’t listen

    Words: 256 - Pages: 2

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    Language Versus Literal Language

    Figurative language is a language in which the individual expresses his or her ideas and thoughts with the help of words having more than one meaning. Figurative language is an important part of writing and is also widely used in speech. To understand this language one has to use his or her imagination. Without it no one can figure out the exact meaning of the words the author wants to say. For instance, when someone says that it’s raining cats and dogs, it actually means that it is raining

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    Language Rules

    very hard pronunciation. Therefore, for me up till now is very difficult to distinguish difference and say correctly bed or bad, seat or sit. Also, It’s hard to say sound like in word “her”, as long as we do not have it in Russian. Also, there is no such sound in Russian as O and , so it’s hard to say correctly all word contain such sounds: together, thanks, especially clothes for me. Syntactic rules. This is basically grammar and spelling. I cannot help, but exclaim: This is very big problem

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    Columbia University Students of human nature traditionally have considered conversational gestures—unplanned, articulate hand movements that accompany spontaneous speech— to be a medium for conveying semantic information, the visual counterpart of words.2 Over a century ago, Sir Francis Bacon put the relationship of gesture and language in the form of a simple analogy: "As the tongue speaketh to the ear, so the gesture speaketh to the eye" (Bacon, 1891). Although the extent to which gestures serve

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    Deconstructing Ubese - a Conlang Extrapolation

    is a very context-based language; that words mean many different things according to their context. If this is the case, repeating a word, or reduplication, alters, shifts, deepens, etc. the meaning. If this is the case, what could the sentences mean, if translated to English? "Yatay, yatay, yotoh," supposedly meant "I have come for the bounty on this wookie." I'm guessing the literal meaning would be something closer to... "I come, bounty." In other words, there is very little literal meaning

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