...Project Management Office Summit Measures and Metrics for PMO Success 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Jim Kendrick, PMP, CMC President and Practice Leader © 2009 P2C2 Group, Inc. kendrick@p2c2group.com 301-942-7985 Also See Related Blog Articles http://jimkendrick.blogspot.com Web www.p2c2group.com Blog http://jimkendrick.blogspot.com Phone 301‐942‐7985 Email kendrick@p2c2group.com LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkendrick Location Washington, DC Metro Area Measures & Metrics (c) 2009 kendrick@p2c2group.com Managing projects and portfolios without metrics is like sailing a ship without a compass! 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Measures & Metrics (c) 2009 kendrick@p2c2group.com 2 Why PMOs need measurement and metrics You already know … 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • 63% of projects have schedule delays • 49% of projects exceed budget or do not meet business objectives • 45% of projects face cost overruns • 23% of all projects FAIL Data published by Standish Group International, Inc., as reported in Computer World, February 17, 2003 http://www.computerworld.com/printthis/2003/0,4814,78517,00.html Measures & Metrics (c) 2009 kendrick@p2c2group.com 3 Most organizations have problems with their measures and metrics 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • • • • • • • • • Too much data Measures aren’t useful Too much time to collect and report data Data...
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...0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.01 .9900 .0100 .9801 .0198 .0001 .9703 .0294 .0003 .9606 .0388 .0006 0.05 .9500 .0500 .9025 .0950 .0025 .8574 .1354 .0071 .0001 .8145 .1715 .0135 .0005 .7738 .2036 .0214 .0011 0.10 .9000 .1000 .8100 .1800 .0100 .7290 .2430 .0270 .0010 .6561 .2916 .0486 .0036 .0001 .5905 .3281 .0729 .0081 .0005 .5314 .3543 .0984 .0146 .0012 .0001 .4783 .3720 .1240 .0230 .0026 .0002 0.15 .8500 .1500 .7225 .2550 .0225 .6141 .3251 .0574 .0034 .5220 .3685 .0975 .0115 .0005 .4437 .3915 .1382 .0244 .0022 .0001 .3771 .3993 .1762 .0415 .0055 .0004 .3206 .3960 .2097 .0617 .0109 .0012 .0001 .2725 .3847 .2376 .0839 .0185 .0026 .0002 0.20 .8000 .2000 .6400 .3200 .0400 .5120 .3840 .0960 .0080 .4096 .4096 .1536 .0256 .0016 .3277 .4096 .2048 .0512 .0064 .0003 .2621 .3932 .2458 .0819 .0154 .0015 .0001 .2097 .3670 .2753 .1147 .0287 .0043 .0004 .1678 .3355 .2936 .1468 .0459 .0092 .0011 .0001 0.25 .7500 .2500 .5625 .3750 .0625 .4219 .4219 .1406 .0156 .3164 .4219 .2109 .0469 .0039 .2373 .3955 .2637 .0879 .0146 .0010 .1780 .3560 .2966 .1318 .0330 .0044 .0002 .1335 .3115 .3115 .1730 .0577 .0115 .0013 .0001 .1001 .2670 .3115 .2076 .0865 .0231 .0038 .0004 0.30 .7000 .3000 .4900 .4200 .0900 .3430 .4410 .1890 .0270 .2401 .4116 .2646 .0756 .0081 .1681 .3602 .3087 .1323 .0284 .0024 .1176 .3025 .3241 .1852 .0595 .0102 .0007 .0824 .2471 .3177 .2269 .0972 .0250 .0036 .0002 .0576 .1977 .2965 .2541 .1361 .0467 .0100 .0012 .0001 0.70 0.35 .6500 .3500 .4225 .4550 .1225 .2746 .4436 .2389 .0429...
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...AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE REFINO E PROCESSAMENTO DE GÁS NATURAL – SRP BOLETIM MENSAL DE BIODIESEL FEVEREIRO DE 2012 APRESENTAÇÃO O Boletim Mensal de Biodiesel vem sendo publicado no sítio da ANP desde novembro de 2008, com o objetivo de difundir as informações relacionadas à atividade de produção de biodiesel no País. Inicialmente, apresenta-se um resumo dos principais dados do setor, relacionando também as outorgas de Autorizações do mês. Em seguida, são listados os dados gerais das plantas de biodiesel autorizadas e as Autorizações para Operação e Comercialização vigentes. Além disso, podem ser consultadas todas as Autorizações para Construção vigentes tanto para novas plantas, quanto para ampliações daquelas já existentes. São apresentados ainda gráficos que mostram a evolução da capacidade nominal autorizada pela ANP, da demanda nacional compulsória e da produção de biodiesel ao longo dos últimos meses, bem como nos anos de 2005 a 2011. Finalmente, são ilustradas graficamente, a distribuição das matérias-primas utilizadas para produção de biodiesel, referentes ao mês de janeiro de 2012, bem como a utilização das principais matérias-primas de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2012, considerando os dados informados através do Sistema de Informações de Movimentação de Produtos (SIMP). ÍNDICE 1 - Introdução 2 - Plantas de biodiesel autorizadas para operação/operação e comercialização 3 - Plantas de biodiesel autorizadas...
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...MKT 6362 Project Reports 1. Problem statement The data provided (Ketchupsas) is a subset of the data used by Kamakura and Russell (1989). It is household panel data on choices of ketchup brand as a function of price and promotion. We need to know how prices and display influence a family’s choice on specific brand of ketchup, comparing three brands (Heinz, Hunts, Del Monte) with others. The most effective element should be chosen so that we could give suggestions on how to make them more attractive to customers. The following questions should be answered in order to provide proper suggestions. * Evaluate the influence of different prices and promotions to choice * Study the price elastic of different brand * Conclude the analysis and provide some advice for different brands 2. Data and Methodology a) Data Description The data we have are panel data with 2000 observations. It includes customers’ preference of ketchups along with price and the promotion statue of three key brands. b) Methodology With such a dataset, the first analysis would be descriptive analysis. As we would like to know about difference between promotion and non-promotion, a chi-square test (t-test) could help to identify. Since we are interested in preference, the multinomial logistic is prefect for it. Considered it is a panel data, mixed effect should also be considered. We would also like to study the behavior of customer switch (which means a customer changes his...
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...01.What is Normalization? Process of organizing data or information in a database is called as Normalization. creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules are included to the process of normalization. It is designed to protect the data and to make the database more flexible. Flexible can be done by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency. Redundant data and information mainly dissipate hard disk space in the machine and makes maintenance problems for the system. If data or information is chanced in somewhere which is already exist in more than that place that every place must be changed exactly the same way in all locations. If data is stored in only one place in a table, it is easy to made data and information changings. What is "inconsistent dependency"? When it is intuitive for a system operator to search data in the Customers table for a name of a customer in the company, it may not show details for the Address of the searched employee. The employee's address is related to, or dependent on the employee and it should not be moved to employee’s name table. Inconsistent dependency can make data difficult to access, because the path to find the data may be missing or broken. Normalization There are a rules for normalize a database. Each rule is called as "normal form." Rules are starting from 1st normal form. It goes like 1st normal form, 2nd normal form, 3rd normal from, 4th normal form and so on. If...
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...Table of Contents I. | Project Question | Page 3 | II. | Description of Variables | Page 3 | III. | Procedure | Page 4 | IV. | Results | Page 6 | V. | Additional Results | Page 7 | VI. | Business Implications | Page 10 | VII. | Project Implications | Page 10 | VIII. | References | Page 12 | IX. | Appendix | Page 12 | I. Project Question For our data analysis, our group decided to gather information pertaining to airlines and the different factors that go into calculating their revenue. To support our conclusions, we collected and evaluated 1,283 observations across 30 airlines, over a 12-year period beginning in 2000. We used this information to analyze the effects of a variety of independent variables on our dependent variable of revenue (both domestic and international). The independent variables we examined included number of flights, baggage fee revenue, fuel costs, amount of fuel consumption, and the dollar amount spent on advertising. These variables were divided into both domestic and international amounts. To complement our findings and evaluate data on a more disaggregated level, we separated the airlines into major and minor airlines. We placed all of the data we collected into Excel and then imputed all of the Excel information into SAS in order to run our analysis. II. Description of Variables All of the variables we analyzed, except for advertising spending, were found utilizing the RITA database provided by the Department of Transportation...
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...Hand Hygiene Practices in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Intervention and Impact on Nosocomial Infection Barbara C.C. Lam, Josephine Lee and Y.L. Lau Pediatrics 2004;114;e565; originally published online October 18, 2004; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-1107 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/114/5/e565.full.html PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2004 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from pediatrics.aappublications.org at University of Southern Queensland Library on August 5, 2014 Hand Hygiene Practices in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Intervention and Impact on Nosocomial Infection Barbara C.C. Lam, MBBS, FRCP(Edin, Lond.), FRCPCH(UK), FHKCPaed; Josephine Lee, RN, MSN; and Y.L. Lau, MD (Hons), FRCP(Edin, Glasg. Lond.) FRCPCH(UK) ABSTRACT. Objective. Health care–associated infections persist as a major problem in most neonatal intensive care units. Hand hygiene has been singled out as the most important measure in preventing hospital-acquired infection. However...
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...Module Total Problems Problems Attempted Grade % + Business Combinations and Consolidations 30 30 4/30 13.33 BCC2-0001 BCC2-0004 BCC2-0005 BCC2-0006 BCC2-0007 BCC2-0008 BCC2-0009 BCC2-0010 BCC2-0011 BCC2-0013 BCC2-0014 BCC2-0015 BCC2-0016 BCC2-0017 BCC2-0018 BCC2-0019 BCC2-0020 BCC2-0021 BCC2-0022 BCC2-0024 BCC2-0025 BCC2-0026 BCC2-0027 BCC2-0028 BCC2-0029 BCC2-0030 BCC2-0002 BCC2-0003 BCC2-0012 BCC2-0023 + Pensions 30 30 9/30 30.00 PVD-0001 PVD-0002 PVD-0003 PVD-0004 PVD-0005 PVD-0006 PVD-0007 PVD-0008 PVD-0009 PVD-0010 PVD-0011 PVD-0012 PVD-0013 PVD-0014 PVD-0015 PVD-0016 PVD-0017 PVD-0018 PVD-0019 PVD-0020 PVD-0023 PVD-0024 PVD-0025 PVD-0026 PVD-0028 PVD-0029 PVD-0030 PVD-0027 PVD-0021 PVD-0022 + Segment Reporting 15 15 5/15 33.33 MISCC-0001 MISCC-0006 MISCC-0007 MISCC-0008 MISCC-0009 MISCC-0010 MISCC-0012 MISCC-0013 MISCC-0014 MISCC-0015 MISCC-0011 MISCC-0002 MISCC-0003 MISCC-0004 MISCC-0005 + Stockholder's Equity 50 50 14/50 28.00 STK-0001 STK-0002 STK-0003 STK-0004 STK-0005 STK-0006 STK-0007 STK-0008 STK-0009 STK-0010 STK-0011 STK-0012 STK-0013 STK-0014 STK-0015 STK-0016 STK-0018 STK-0020 STK-0021 STK-0022 STK-0023 STK-0024 STK-0025 STK-0026 STK-0027 STK-0028 STK-0030 STK-0031 STK-0032 STK-0033 STK-0034 STK-0036 STK-0037 STK-0038 STK-0039 STK-0040 STK-0041 STK-0042 STK-0043 STK-0044 STK-0045 STK-0046 STK-0047 STK-0048 STK-0050 STK-0029 STK-0035 STK-0049 STK-0017 STK-0019 Overall Exam Results 125 125 32/125...
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... a. The following describes one or more input edit controls that could be included in the program for detecting possible errors for each of the five data fields: 1) Member #: The facts state that the Member numbers are numbered sequentially and that there are less than 2000 members total. a) Field check - to determine that the proper type of character is entered in the field. In this case, only numeric characters allowed. b) Limit check - to determine that the numeric amount entered does not exceed a predetermined numeric value, e.g. 2000 in this case. c) Range check - to determine that upper and lower limits are valid, otherwise similar to the limit check, e.g. 0001 - 2399 in this case. d) Size check - to ensure that input data will fit into the assigned field, e.g. no more than 4 characters in this case. 2) Flight date: The facts state that the format is DDMMYY a) Field check - to determine that the proper type of character is entered in the field. In this case, only numeric characters allowed. b) Size check - to ensure that input data will fit into the assigned field, e.g. no more than 6 characters in this case. c) Check digit verification - There are only so many valid combinations of days and months in the...
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...B)ENIAC C)EDSAC D)MARK-II 1000 3. 1949年,世界上第一台( )计算机投入运行。 A)存储程序 B)微型 C)人工智能 D)巨型 1000 4. 计算机的发展趋势是( )、微型化、网络化和智能化。 A)大型化 B)小型化 C)精巧化 D)巨型化 0001 5. 新一代计算机是指( )。 A)奔腾4系列 B)人工智能计算机 C)工作站 D)多媒体计算机 0100 6. 计算机从其诞生至今已经经历了四个时代,这种对计算机划代的原则是根据( )。 A)计算机所采用的电子器件(即逻辑元件) B)计算机的运算速度 C)程序设计语言 D)计算机的存储量 1000 7. 计算机采用的逻辑元件的发展顺序是( )。 A)晶体管、电子管、集成电路、大规模集成电路 B)电子管、晶体管、集成电路、大规模集成电路 C)晶体管、电子管、集成电路、芯片 D)电子管、晶体管、集成电路、芯片 0100 8. 下列不属于第二代计算机特点的一项是( )。 A)采用电子管作为逻辑元件 B)主存储器主要采用磁芯,辅助存储器主要采用磁盘和磁带 C)运算速度从每秒几万次提高到几十万次,主存储器容量扩展到几十万字节 D)出现操作系统,开始使用汇编语言和高级语言 1000 9. 在计算机时代的划分中,采用集成电路作为主要逻辑元件的计算机属于( )。 A)第一代 B)第二代 C)第三代 D)第四代 0010 10. 使用晶体管作为主要逻辑元件的计算机是( )计算机。 A)第一代 B)第二代 C)第三代 D)第四代 0100 11. 用电子管作为电子器件制成的计算机属于( )。 A)第一代 B)第二代 C)第三代 D)第四代 1000 12. 以大规模、超大规模集成电路为主要逻辑元件的计算机属于( )。 A)第一代计算机 B)第二代计算机 C)第三代计算机 D)第四代计算机 0001 13. 现代微机采用的主要元件是( )。 A)电子管 B)晶体管 C)中、小规模集成电路 D)大规模、超大规模集成电路 0001 14. 计算机可分为数字计算机、模拟计算机和混和计算机,这是按( )进行分类。 A)功能和用途 B)性能和规律 C)工作原理 D)控制器 0010 15. 专门为某种用途而设计的计算机,称为( )计算机。 A)专用 B)通用 C)普通 D)模拟 1000 16. 个人计算机属于( )。 A)小型计算机 B)巨型机算机 C)大型主机 D)微型计算机 0001 17. 大型计算机网络中的主机通常采用( )。 A)微机 B)小型机 C)大型机 D)巨型机 0010 18. 中小企事业单位构建内部网络通常使用( )。 A)微机 B)小型机 C)大型机 D)巨型机 0100 19. 我国自行生产并用于天气预报计算的银河III型计算机属于( )。 A)微机 B)小型机 C)大型机 D)巨型机 0001 20. 早期的计算机是用来进行( )的。 A)科学计算 B)系统仿真 C)自动控制 D)动画设计 1000 21. 计算机的三大应用领域是( )。 A)科学计算、信息处理和过程控制 B)计算、打字和家教 C)科学计算、辅助设计和辅助教学 D)信息处理、办公自动化和家教 1000 ...
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................................................... 23 Notas Fiscais de Saída.................................................................... 35 Faturas de Consumo....................................................................... 43 Departamento Pessoal.................................................................... 53 Movimento Financeiro.................................................................... 71 REGISTROS DOS FATOS CONTÁBEIS........................................................ 77 1 Laboratório de Prática Contábil II Prof. Marcos Lima DADOS BÁSICOS DA EMPRESA: Denominação social: Alfa Indústria, Comércio e Representações Ltda Endereço: Avenida 01, n° 16, Centro, Fortaleza-Ce. CNPJ: 00.000.000/0001-91 CGF: 06.000.000-7 NIRE: 23.101.731.948 Inscrição Municipal: 123.456-7 Capital Social Subscrito: R$ 1.000.000,00....
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...RESEAR CH AR TICLE Psychosocial Distress and Alcohol Use as Factors in Adolescent Sexual Behavior Among Sub-Saharan African Adolescents RANDY M. PAGE, PhDa COUGAR P. HALL, PhDb ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This study examines the relationship between sexual behavior, alcohol use, and indicators of psychosocial distress (mental health) of adolescents in 6 sub-Saharan African countries using the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). METHODS: The sample consisted of 22,949 adolescents from Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe who participated in 2003 or 2004 GSHS surveys. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine whether sexual behaviors increased with levels of psychosocial distress and alcohol use. RESULTS: Sexual behaviors (having sex or having sex with 2 or more people) were associated with both psychosocial distress and alcohol use. Odds ratios showed that both boys and girls reporting psychosocial distress and alcohol use were at higher risk for having sex. Results also indicated that the likelihood of sexual behaviors increased when there was an increase in the number of psychosocial indicators and frequency of alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: The results of this study are consistent with those conducted in the United States suggesting that sexual behavior, psychosocial distress, and substance use are interconnected. These findings highlight the need for school health education and health services in sub-Saharan Africa...
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...system on a chip! Clearly, the limit lies somewhere between here and there. Cost may be the ultimate constraint. Rock’s Law, proposed by early Intel capitalist Arthur Rock is a corollary to Moore’s law. “The cost of Capital equipment to build semiconductors will double every year” 3. Using a "word" of 4 bits, list all of the possible signed binary numbers and their decimal equivalents that are representable in: [6 marks] a. Signed magnitude b. One's complement c. Two's complement Signed Magnitude | One’s Complement | Two’s Complement | Decimal Equivalent | 0111 | 0111 | 0111 | +7 | 0110 | 0110 | 0110 | +6 | 0101 | 0101 | 0101 | +5 | 0100 | 0100 | 0100 | +4 | 0011 | 0011 | 0011 | +3 | 0010 | 0010 | 0010 | +2 | 0001 | 0001 | 0001 | +1 | 0000 | 0000 | 0000 | 0 | 1000 | 1111 | 0000 | 0 | 1001 | 1110 | 1111 | -1 | 1010 | 1101 | 1110 | -2 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 | -3 | 1100 | 1011 | 1100 | -4 | 1101 | 1010 | 1011 | -5 | 1110 | 1001 | 1010 | -6 | 1111 | 1000 | 1001 | -7 | 4. Given the 8-bit binary number: 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1. What decimal number does this represent if the computer uses: [5 marks] a. signed-magnitude representation b. signed-2's complement. Solution: Given; A 8-bit binary number 10011101 Find; a) Signed-magnitude representation b) Signed-2’s complement Known; In a signed binary representation the MSB is the sign...
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...WWTC Project Implementation Schedule | Dates | Project Milestones | 15 Oct 13 | Purchase Equipment | 15 Oct 13 | Purchase Software | 20 Oct 13 | Installation of leased lines between buildings | 31 Oct 13 | Bench test of network design completed | 01 - 02 Nov 13 | Network Administrators receive necessary training for new systems | 05 – 06 Nov 13 | End users trained on new system | 01 – 15 Nov 13 | All cabling and equipment installation complete | 16 Nov 13 | Phased approach to implementation complete | 16 Nov 13 | Rollback plan complete (if major difficulty occurs) | 16 Nov 13 | Network Change (application and device) procedures complete | 20 Nov 13 | NE Site activation Complete (Includes Implementation tasks) | 21 Nov 13 | Feedback from NE Site activation evaluated | 23 Nov 13 | SE Site activation Complete (Includes Implementation tasks) | 24 Nov 13 | M Site activation Complete (Includes Implementation tasks) | 25 Nov 13 | NW Site activation Complete (Includes Implementation tasks) | 26 Nov 13 | SW Site activation Complete (Includes Implementation tasks) | 26 Nov 13 | Verify Connectivity throughout installation process | 28 Nov 13 | Record Changes and update Documentation | WWTC Project Contact List | Project Title | Name | Telephone | Email | Director, IT Dept. | Bhagwati Bansal | 212-520-xxxx | bbansal@wwtc.org | System Engineer | Travis Aleshire | 212-520-xxxx | taleshire@wwtc.org | System Engineer | Aaron Burroughs | 212-520-xxxx | aburroughs@wwtc...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Financial Economics 84 (2007) 330–357 www.elsevier.com/locate/jfec Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China’s newly partially privatized firms$ Joseph P.H. Fana,Ã, T.J. Wonga, Tianyu Zhangb a The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong b City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Received 19 August 2005; received in revised form 31 January 2006; accepted 6 March 2006 Available online 24 January 2007 Abstract Almost 27% of the CEOs in a sample of 790 newly partially privatized firms in China are former or current government bureaucrats. Firms with politically connected CEOs underperform those without politically connected CEOs by almost 18% based on three-year post-IPO stock returns and have poorer three-year post-IPO earnings growth, sales growth, and change in returns on sales. The negative effect of the CEO’s political ties also show up in the first-day stock return. Finally, firms led by politically connected CEOs are more likely to appoint other bureaucrats to the board of directors rather than directors with relevant professional backgrounds. r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classification: G34; L33; P31 Keywords: Political connections; Corporate governance; IPO performance; Partial privatization; China We appreciate helpful comments from Stijn Claessens, Mara Faccio, Simon Johnson, Florencio Lopez-deSilanes, John McConnell, Randall Morck, Harold Mulherin...
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