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1.1 Explain The Importance Of Advocacy In Research

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The children act protects has placed organisations to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children and young people who are unable to protect themselves from danger, abuse or even neglect. The legislation is so that the children welfare and also their development needs are being met this includes the need to protect from harm. The legislation is there to protect children so the local authorities have a general duty to safeguard the children, promote the welfare of the child, local authorities must help the child needs and promote the upbringing of their children by their own families also the views of the must be taken into account. The main thing about the legislation is to keep the child welfare and development needs are met. The legislation …show more content…
There are several types of advocacy. People are different from each other and their needs for support are different and might change during their life. There are several types of advocacy an example of these are case advocacy, self-advocacy, formal, professional, or paid advocacy also legal advocacy. Nursing advocate ensures that the voice of the patients are being heard and respected. Nursing advocate helps to promote the patients’ rights, making improvements in the healthcare environment. Advocacy makes sure that the service users voice has been heard and respect their opinions. The advocate should make sure that they are talking on only the service user’s behalf, they shouldn’t express their own

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