...Communication in the Workplace Lindsay Street BRISBANE QLD 4010 18 February 2016 Mr Peter Jones Managing Director Global Constructions Aberdeen Street BRISBANE QLD 4001 Dear Mr Jones Attached is the report you requested on 4 February analysing the two major communication problems faced within construction engineering. The report identifies the causes of these communication problems. Recommendations are made that, if implemented within the next year, should minimise the problems. Preparing the report has been challenging and most worthwhile. I will be available if you have any queries or wish to discuss any part of the report in more detail. Yours sincerely Hardik Patel Research Assistant AN ANALYSIS OF THE COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS FACED WITHIN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, AS AT FEBRUARY 2016 Prepared for: Mr Peter Jones Managing Director Global Constructions Prepared by: Hardik Patel Research Assistant Communication in the Workplace Date of Submission: 18 February 2016 Summary This report was commissioned by Mr. Peter Jones to analyse the causes of communication problems within the construction sector at Global Constructions. The report focuses on the two areas mentioned by Mr. Jones: Problem to archive real time information; and more fragmented than other industries. The report finds that the problem with the archiving the accurate and...
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...issued Completion date Submitted on 13/10/2014 30/01/2015 30/01/2015 Assignment title Managing Business Activities To Achieve Results Learning Outcome Learning outcome Understand the importance of business processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives Be able to develop plans for own area of responsibility to implement operational plans Assessme nt Criteria 1.1 1.2 1.3 LO1 In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation. Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. Evaluate the output of the process and the quality gateways. Task Evidence no. (Page no) 2.1 2.2 LO2 2.3 2.4 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility. Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. Carry out work activities meeting the operational plan through effective monitoring and control. Version 1.2 LO3 Be able to monitor appropriate systems to improve organisation al performance 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Be able to manage health and safety in the workplace 4.1 4.2 LO4 4.3 4.4 Design...
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...been submitted as part of any assessment for this qualification. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard Referencing format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Westford School of Management rules and regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them. Students Signature : _____________________ (signed) Student Name : Date : Learning Outcomes and Assessment Feedback Name of the Assessor | | | | | Learning Outcomes | Assessment Criteria (AC) | Assessor Feedback | LO 1 | | | Understand the importance of supply chain management and logistics. | 1.1 Explain the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving organisational objective . | | | 1.2 Explain the link between supply chain management and business functions in an organization. | | | 1.3 Discuss the key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in an organization. |...
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...practice in the UK. This includes: i. Care: Ensuring that the care provided is person-centred. For example, taking the time to understand service users’ preferences and respecting their choices. ii. The. Compassion: Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards the people in your care. This could be offering a listening ear to someone, showing that their feelings are valid and important. iii. The adage of a dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dread Competence: Having a high level of professional knowledge and skill with its application by updating with the latest care techniques and guidelines through regular training. iv. Communication: Ensuring clear, effective, and sensitive communication (verbal and non-verbal) with service users, their families, and other healthcare professionals. v. Courage: Standing up for service users’ rights and well-being, such as promoting their needs with other healthcare professionals or addressing any unethical practices observed in the workplace. vi. Commitment: Dedication to providing high-quality care and continuously looking for ways to improve personal and team...
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...QUALIFICATION HANDBOOK Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) (3978-51/52/53/54/55/56) December 2011 Version 3.1 (February 2012) Qualification at a glance Subject area City & Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Assessment Fast track Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) 3978 19+ There are no entry requirements Portfolio of Evidence, Practical Demonstration/Assignment. Automatic approval is available for centres offering the 3172 Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care – Adults 100/4794/3 and the 3078 Level 4 NVQ in Leadership and Management for Care Services 500/4105/8 Learner logbook and Smartscreen Consult the Walled Garden/Online Catalogue for last dates City & Guilds number 3978-51 Accreditation number 600/0573/7 Support materials Registration and certification Title and level Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Residential Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Advanced Practice) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Adults’...
Words: 65883 - Pages: 264
...manager and functional manager. Also discuss the different levels of managers with suitable examples. (12) b) Discuss the contribution of Henry Fayol in the field of Management. (08) Q. 2 What is meant by rational decision making? Explain the steps of rational decision making with a suitable example. (20) Q. 3 a) Define Management By Objective (MBO). Differentiate between Strategic planning, Tactical planning and Operational planning. (2+10) b) Explain the following planning tools: i) Forecasting ii) Benchmarking iii) Scheduling iv) Budgeting (2+2+2+2) Q. 4 a) Define the term “Delegation”. Also describe the seven steps to effective delegation. (3+7) b) Explain the following concepts: i) Centralization ii) Decentralization iii) Authority iv) Span of control v) Span of Control (2+2+2+2+2) Q. 5 a) Define Leadership. Differentiate between Leader and Manager. (2+8) b) Discuss the following approaches to leadership in detail: i) Bass’s theory of transformational leadership ii) Contingency approach to leadership (5+5) Guidelines FOR ASSIGNMENT # 1 The student should look upon the assignments as a test of knowledge, management skills, and communication...
Words: 1660 - Pages: 7
...as part of any assessment for this qualification. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard Referencing format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Westford School of Management rules and regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them. Students Signature : Siji Student Name : Siji Sundaran Manalikkattil Date : 19th July 2014 Learning Outcomes and Assessment Feedback Name of the Assessor | LeenaWanganoo | Learning Outcomes | Assessment Criteria (AC) | Assessor Feedback | LO 1 | | AC MET | Understand the importance of supply chain management and logistics. | 1.1 Explain the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving organizational objective . | | | 1.2 Explain the link between supply chain...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Throughout the tourism environment they use many different methods of communication to communicate effectively with the employees. Verbal communication is used widely within an organisation so that they can effectively carry out the task that has been set out to do. There are many different ways a manager can communicate non verbally with his employees. Examples may be his body language and his written communication with his employees. Effective team work ensures that an organisation can carry out tasks far faster that if they were doing it on their own. There are many different ways an organisation can communicate internally and by doing this correct information can be communicated to employees far faster. Table of Contents Introduction 4 1.1 Verbal Communication 5 1.2 Non Verbal Communication 5 1.2.1 Body Language 5 2.1 Effective Team Work 5 2.1.1 Forming 6 2.1.2 Storming 6 2.1.3 Norming 6 2.1.4 Performing 6 2.2 Advantages of Working in a Team 7 3.1 Introduction to Internal Communication 7 3.2 Internal Communication 7 Section 2 8 1.1 Report Writing 8 Conclusion 9 Reference: 10 Introduction In Richard Pettinger’s ‘Mastering Management’ he states that ‘good communication underline effective relations and enhance the general quality of work life.’ (Pettinger 2001 p36) And because of this it is vital an organisation is able to communicate effectively as a team. Due to this being such a big thing organisations spend hundreds...
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...you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understand theimportance of businessprocesses in deliveringoutcomes based uponbusiness goals andobjectives | 1.1 | Evaluate the interrelationship between thedifferent processes and functions of theorganisation. | | | | | 1.2 | Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. | | | | | 1.3 | Evaluate the output of the process and thequality gateways. | | | LO2 | Be able to developplans for own area ofresponsibility toimplement operationalplans | 2.1 | Design plans which promote goals andobjectives for own area of responsibility. | | | | | 2.2 | Write objectives, which are specific,measurable, achievable, realistic and time based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. | | | | | 2.3 | Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. | | | | | 2.4 | Carry out work activities meeting theoperational plan through effective monitoring and control. | | | LO3 | Be able to monitorappropriate systems toimprove organisationalperformance | 3.1 | Design systems to...
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...customers, stakeholders or boarder publics. To fulfill this motive, many strategies has been developed and practiced over the world. In this era of technology and science, it has become easier to carry out advertising and promotional activities. This assignment has been specially designed about the communication, strategies, techniques and evaluation that are needed to carry out proper advertising and effective promotion. The importance and significance of promotional activities have also been included here. The assignment is writing in such a way that all kinds of readers can easily understand the points mentioned here. Table of Contents Executive summary: i Introduction 1 LO 1: Understanding the scope of marketing communication. 1 1.1 Communication process that applies to advertising and promotion. 1 1.2 The organization of advertising and promotion industry. 2 1.3 Assess how promotion is regulated. 3 1.4 Examine current trends in advertising and promotion including the impact of ICT. 3 LO 2: Understand the role and importance of communication. 4 2.1 Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product. 4 2.2 Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a business or product. 4 2.3 The creative aspects of advertising. 5 2.4 Ways of working with advertising agency. 5 LO 3: Understand below-the-line techniques and how they are used. 6 3.1 Primary techniques of below the line promotion and how they are...
Words: 3072 - Pages: 13
...people performance Learner Workbook Page |2 Table of Contents Candidate Details ......................................................................................................................... 3 Assessment – BSBMGT502B – Manage People Performance ........................................................ 3 IMPORTANT:................................................................................................................................ 3 Record to be completed by Assessor .............................................................................................. 4 Activity 1.1 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Activity 1.2 -1.6 ............................................................................................................................... 6 Activity 2.1 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Activity 2.2 – 2.4............................................................................................................................ 12 Activity 3.1-3.5 .............................................................................................................................. 14 Activity 4.1-4.6 .............................................................................................................................. 18 Activity 4.7 .............
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...J/601/1000 Credit value: 15 credits Module Tutor: Mehedi Khan Email: m.khan@mrcollege.ac.uk Date Set: Starts: 23 September 2014, Ends: 5 December 2014 Distribution Date : 30.09.2014. LO1 Submission Date : 21.10.2014 (for formative feedback) LO2 & LO3 Submission Date : 10.11.2014 (for formative feedback) LO4 Submission Date : 18.11.2014 (for formative feedback) Final Submission Date (Full Assignment): 5th December 2014 The effective use of advertising and promotion is a fundamental requirement for any business seeking to succeed in the modern business world. As they progress through the unit, learners will build up their understanding of advertising and promotion, which they can use to plan an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product. The unit introduces learners to the wide scope of marketing communications and how the communications process operates. It includes a study of...
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...ASSIGNMENT BRIEF |Qualification |Unit number, Code and Title | |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business |Unit 34, R/505/8181, Operations Management in | | |Business | |Module Leader: |Lecturers: | | |Hakeem Kazeem | |Distribution date |Submission deadline | |W/C – 22/09/14 |7th December 2014 | | | | |Assignment title |Operations Management in Business | |Learning...
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...Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model 1.1 Explain how Positive Behavioural Support has been influenced by: • Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) • Social Role Valorisation (SRV) ABA is a scientific process of examining what causes and maintains behaviour, in order to bring about positive change. SRV promotes valued social roles for individuals who are socially disadvantaged, to help them get some of the good things in life. 1.2 Summarise current legislation and policy guidance relating to Positive Behavioural Support The current legislation relating to Positive Behavioural Support is titled - the Positive Behaviour Support Policy – Safe management of challenging behaviour in children and young people with learning disabilities and autism. The broad aims of the policy are: • the prevention of challenging behaviours; • that, where used, restrictive physical interventions promote the best interests of children and young people; • that all risks associated with the use of restrictive physical interventions are continuously assessed; • to maintain the safety and dignity of children, young people and staff; • that managers and employers discharge their responsibilities effectively; • to highlight the training needs of staff in the use of restrictive physical interventions. 2.1 Define the term ‘challenging behaviour’ Behaviour of such intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is placed in serious jeopardy or...
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... Date: | | | |Assignment No. & title |1601, Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information | |This assignment covers the following assessment criteria | |Outcomes |Criteria | |LO1. Understand how to assess |1.1 discuss the range of decisions to be taken | |information and knowledge needs | | | |1.2 examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective taking | | |1.3 assess internal and external sources of information and understanding...
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