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10 Little Known Facts About Depression

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When someone is depressed it can distort their thinking. It’ll mess with their mind and will temporarily glitch their life. Depression is a mental disorder that can affect how a person acts or feels on an everyday basis, but this must be present for at least two weeks before diagnosis. Something that can be said is that some people choose to be depressed, but no one chooses to be depressed and still something that person must live with (“10 Little Known Facts About Depression”). Also, if a person thinks that their depression is hard on them then they should know that it could be ten times worse on family members and friends (“10 Little Known Facts About Depression”). So when a person is depressed, they should not turn to drugs or alcohol, …show more content…
Given this, there are many different types of depression and they all can have different effects on a person. That being said, here’s the one of the types called “Cyclothymic Disorder”. Cyclothymic Disorder is a calmer and more mellow type of Bipolar Disorder (“Types of Depression”). Furthermore, the next type to be talked about is going to be “Dysthymic Disorder”. Dysthymic Disorder is in relation to Major Depression; less concerning to others who care may sustain (“Types of Depression”). Following that, there is “Seasonal Affective Disorder is also known as SAD.” (“Types of Depression’). Seasonal Affective Disorder can be caused by the changing of season (“Types of Depression”). Melancholia is when someone loses all interest in everything, and moves slowly. (“Types of Depression”). Some more types and kind of depression are psychotic depression and bipolar disorder. To explain more Psychotic depression is when a person begins to experience psychosis ,which is a loss of reality. The last type that will be presented is Bipolar disorder which is having a normal mood and then everything goes the opposite.(“Types of Depression”). This type of depression because of how it takes its toll on a person's life , and is also known as the “Manic Depression”. (“Types of Depression”). “Depression is among the leading causes of disability …show more content…
Now, some symptoms for children under 12 to show that they might have depression can be that they are irritable, clingy ,and physical aches and pains. (“Depression(Major Depressive Disorder)”). However, other cause of depression can be trauma, self-conscience, and some medications. (“Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)”). Along with that, children that are under ages of 12 have different signs of depression compared to adolescents and adults. Something that can show a person has depression is that they can be restless or not able to sit still for a very long time. (“Depression”). Along the same lines, not being able to focus,losing interest in any activity typically enjoyed ,and concentration almost all of the time can show symptoms. (“Depression”). Something else that can contribute is that a person suffering depression might go through hallucinations. (Gegg 1). Taking everything into consideration there are many factors that can contribute to getting depression, such as neglect, divorce , or abuse. (“Causes of depression”). With that being said there are also things emotionally a person could be isolating themselves or seemingly be watching life from an afar. (“Causes of Depression”). As well as, everything else said there are some struggle that can come along with depression , and they are phobias, conflict, and losing or gaining weight which only makes everything worse. (Causes of

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