...沃克‧珀西(Walker Percy,1916-1990)是「南方作家」,上世紀六十年代後,他和杜魯門‧卡波蒂、威廉‧斯泰倫等人,逐漸代替了老一輩的南方作家如福克納、弗蘭納裡‧奧康納、卡森‧麥克勒斯、尤多拉‧韋爾蒂等人,成為20世紀下半葉南方文學創作的主力。珀西最初學醫,後因肺結核回鄉療養,對存在主義哲學產生了濃厚的興趣,他本人還皈依了天主教。他所創作的小說主要以天主教與存在主義的觀點通過愛情、性與個人責任等關係,探討人生的意義。主要作品有長篇小說《看電影的人》(1961)、《最後的紳士》(1966)、《廢墟裡的愛》(1971)等。 長期的哲學沉思讓珀西看待事物有獨特的視角。在《萬物不再》(The Loss of Creature)這篇散文裡,作家以觀光客和在校學生為例,揭示了現代人在認知活動中自甘淪為消費者的普遍困境:喪失獨立自主,難見本真卻又渾然不覺。本文選譯自《瓶子裡的啟示》(The Message in the Bottle,紐約,法勒斯特勞斯出版公司,1975年)。 ‧胡 朗‧ 探險家發現島嶼,個個皆稱「福爾摩薩」(Formosa)——美麗的意思。對他而言,美哉、壯哉,因為他,空前一人,有幸抵近,得以見其本色。但對他人、別人,卻美壯從來不再——除非其人罕異卓立,重新發現了它;罕異卓立,知道必須重新發現它。 加西亞‧洛佩茲‧德‧卡德納斯[1]發現了大峽谷,嘆駭不已。可以想見:你穿越瀚海沙漠,披荊斬棘,峽谷就在腳下。後來,政府辟此地為國家公園,希望把卡德納斯的體驗也傳達給千百萬人。你從光明天使客棧憑欄望,眼前景觀豈不正是卡德納斯當年所見? 人們想當然地以為,大峽谷風光奇絕,美不勝收,故而若對卡德納斯有P值若干,則同等P值也可傳至數量無限的觀光客,一如班廷發現的胰島素[2]可以注入數量無限的糖尿病人。然而,反作用出現了。更近於事實的說法是,如果這個地方被百萬人擁睹過,則一名觀光客所見便並非P值,而是P值的百萬分之一。 人們想當然地以為,既然大峽谷的興味指數恆定為P,那麼組團前往觀光,人數多少都行。一個波士頓人決定去大峽谷度假。他找到旅行社,查看線路手冊,報了一個兩週游。他和家人上了路,看了大峽谷,回到波士頓。我們能說這人見過大峽谷了嗎?有這種可能。但更有可能的是,他的所作所為讓他必然見不到大峽谷。 為什麼在這些情形下,人幾乎無法直面大峽谷,見其本色——一如你從自家的後院撿起一個異物,直面而凝視之?所以如此是因為,大峽谷,本色本貌的大峽谷,已然被觀光客頭腦裡早已形成的象徵集合體吞併了。在約定俗成的條件下看峽谷,迎面看到的就是那個像徵集合體。你現在眼中所見已非西班牙人當年面前所對,而是已然被構建出來的東西——被明信片、地理課本、旅遊手冊和大峽谷這三個字所構建。有此構建在先,觀光客的快樂之源便起了變化。當年那西班牙人因深入峽谷腹地,因移步換景,深淵、地勢、色彩、光影等漸行漸露而驚喜交集,而今的觀光客卻以大峽谷與預製象徵集合體的契合度來衡量自己的滿意度。如果兩相一致,峽谷正像明信片上的模樣,他便開心;沒準甚至會說,「啊,真和明信片上一模一樣地美!」他覺得沒有上當受騙。可如果不相一致,如果峽谷色彩暗淡,他便無法直面,而只會意識到現實與想像間的距離。以後他會說,他不走運,去的不是時候。最最重要的已不是獨立自主發現眼前的事物,而是以預製的象徵集合體為尺度,衡量這個事物。這就是觀光客的心滿意足。 ...
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...Scope Jason: 可唔可以sd番今日傾過既野嚟睇? 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0001.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: Sori我唔知係我電話 13 Oct 11:32 am - Scope Jason: Thx 13 Oct 11:32 am - Prudence: Thx 13 Oct 11:40 am - Scope Ray: Thx 14 Oct 12:54 am - Scope Luee: 各位有無email 我fd有份pm嘅project借左黎參考 腥俾你地睇下 14 Oct 12:55 am - Scope Michelle: chung1994abcd@yahoo.com.hk 唔該晒 14 Oct 1:00 am - Scope Ray: raylau512@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:01 am - Scope Luee: 仲有每個項目解釋大約一至兩句is ok 原來果一大段係成個project description 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: wongprudence@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: Thx 14 Oct 1:10 am - Scope Luee: 法國妹咁慢又腥多次 14 Oct 1:15 am - Prudence: Sorry岩岩先見到個msg 14 Oct 1:15 am - Scope Luee: Sd jor la,plz check 14 Oct...
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...CICLO ESCOLAR 2013-2014 |TEACHER: |Objective: By the end of this unit Ss will be able to talk about themselves, their families, and| |GROUP: 5012 WEEK: 0 / 1 |their favorite things using present and past simple of be statements. | |DEVELOPMENT AREAS: ACADEMIC WRITING / READING STRATEGIES/GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY |Objective: By the end of this unit Ss will be able to talk about themselves, their families, and | | |their favorite things using present and past simple of be statements. | |MATERIAL: Touchstone 3 Student´s Book / Touchstone 3 Workbook | | |MONDAY, AUGUST 12TH |WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14TH |FRIDAY, AUGUST 16TH | |13:20 – 14:10 |Intro: Ice breaker- |12:30 – 13:20 |Class presentation/ Synthesis delivering |12:30 – 13:20 |Diagnostic test application...
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...below table we observe that the difference between 16th and 15th value is the highest =4.5. Thus, the number of cluster taken is 4. Agglomeration Schedule | Stage | Cluster Combined | Coefficients | Stage Cluster First Appears | Next Stage | | Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | | Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | | 1 | 1 | 19 | 11.000 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 2 | 11 | 20 | 15.000 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 15.000 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 17.000 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 5 | 5 | 13 | 18.000 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 6 | 14 | 18 | 19.000 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 7 | 7 | 15 | 20.000 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 8 | 2 | 8 | 20.500 | 0 | 3 | 14 | 9 | 16 | 17 | 22.000 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 10 | 4 | 12 | 23.000 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 11 | 6 | 11 | 24.000 | 4 | 2 | 13 | 12 | 1 | 5 | 24.000 | 1 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 1 | 6 | 26.750 | 12 | 11 | 16 | 14 | 2 | 16 | 28.000 | 8 | 9 | 17 | 15 | 7 | 14 | 28.000 | 7 | 6 | 18 | 16 | 1 | 4 | 32.500 | 13 | 10 | 19 | 17 | 2 | 3 | 32.800 | 14 | 0 | 18 | 18 | 2 | 7 | 36.250 | 17 | 15 | 19 | 19 | 1 | 2 | 44.300 | 16 | 18 | 0 | Step 2: Final Cluster Centers: From this table we identify the major characteristics of the respondents belonging to different clusters, which will help us to create a Cluster Profile. Final Cluster Centers | | Cluster | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | v1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | v2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | v3 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | v4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | v5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | v6 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | v7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | v8 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | v9 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | v10 | 3 | 4 |...
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...IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST GRACIOUS, THE MOST MERCIFUL Hebron University Faculty of Graduate Studies and Academic Research English Department The Impact of Immediate Grammatical Error Correction in Senior English Majors’ Accuracy at Hebron University By Hamada Shehdeh Abid Dawood 2012/2013 The Impact of Immediate Grammatical Error Correction in Senior English Majors’ Accuracy at Hebron University Abstract This study aims at investigating the effects of grammatical error correction on EFL learners’ accuracy. Twenty-two males and females senior students were chosen randomly to respond to a questionnaire investigating their beliefs about immediate grammatical error correction. Therefore, this study was conducted in order to answer this question: what is the effect of grammatical error feedback on students’ accuracy? Results related to the questionnaire that was delivered to the participants proved that immediate error correction enhances and has a positive effect on their accuracy. Introduction Accuracy, in its simple view, is the ability to produce grammatical correct sentences (Gower et al. 1995). Since its vital role in acquiring the English language in Palestine, grammar should seize a wide distance in EFL classrooms and should be taught either inductively or deductively. Nevertheless, the process of teaching and learning does not guarantee that all learners are expected to produce grammatical sentences, so the role of the teachers, here, is to respond...
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...Analysis of Accidental Deaths in Healthcare Human factors related to death of 73 year old man: At first glance, it is very easy to attribute the switching of the man’s oxygen and suction tubes to human error by the nurse. However, it is also important to look at the factors that led up to that moment. Was she tired because of being overworked? Has she received the proper training? Was she aware of all the protocols that needed to be followed? Most of these can be attributed to organizational factors such as overstaffing or lack of proper education. The fact that this issue was, as far as we know, an isolated incident, human error appears to be the more likely candidate. If the error was related to organizational factors or systems complexity, there would likely be other occurrences. Systems complexity factors related to death of 73 year old man: The systems complexity factors related to the death of the 73 year old man are not as apparent as the human and organizational factors. A possible systems error was the lack of differentiation between the oxygen and suction tubes. The hospital knew the importance of ensuring that nurses identify the tubes correctly because they required two nurses to check them. Knowing this, they could have implemented a system to better identify the tubes before the incident rather than after. Another systems factor is the process of reporting these incidents. Two of the violations Tucson Medical Center was cited for by CMS were “failure to promptly...
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...character of the short story “Save as many as you ruin”. He has a daughter, Lucy, whose mother, Issy, died tragically many years prior to when the story takes place. Gerard has made many mistakes in his life, and in the story we hear about how he recovers from one of the biggest ones, when he once again meets the love of his life after many years of separation. The themes and topics discussed in the text include making mistakes, losing and finding love, coincidences and being a spectator in life. We are introduced to Gerard as a pensive man who wanders in the snow, deep in thoughts about his life and how short and insignificant it is. “Gerard thinks of his own footprints and how soon they will disappear. He exhales into the world and his breath disappears. (…) He wonders if his life is an extraordinary one” (p. 1, l. 7-9). Although he does ponder a lot about whether or not he is making the best of his life, he is not active in doing anything about the things that he may be discontent with. He gave in to temptation once when he initiated the affair with Issy, a mistake that turned out to be a fatal turning point in his life. He lost Laurel, the love of his life. He also lost Issy, which must have caused a lot of pain and regret even though he never loved her. But in spite of all the trouble his past mistake causes him, he also gains what turns out to be the most precious thing around which his life evolves - his beloved daughter, Lucy. She and Laurel are the only two “women” he has...
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...planes flying over our house on final approach. Humphrey can see them too. He doesn't like them. Humphrey used to leap into the air trying to catch the planes, but never got close. Now, he just barks at them until they leave. As far as Humphrey's concerned, he's chasing the planes away. He knows it's happening because every time he barks at one, it goes away. Humphrey associates his barking with the plane's leaving and concludes one causes the other. In a way, he's right. The plane shows up and Humphrey barks until it leaves. Getting cause and effect wrong is all too common. Service callbacks increase. Is this the result of a lack of training, poorly designed incentives, bad products, or something else? It could be anything. The mistake is to note a correlation and draw a conclusion without understanding the relationships. In another example, a business owner hears from the media about the poor state of the economy. Nervous, he reduces expenses, cutting marketing and delaying business investment. Sure enough, business falls off, but the slide is more a result of the owner's actions than the economy. A competitor fills the void left by the first owner by increasing marketing and investing in growth. He figures the economy might make growth more difficult, so he needs to put forth more effort. In any economy, companies prosper and fail. This suggests the economy may not be as important as the actions of the owner. Shelties can't tell the difference between correlation...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...minutes. This is a CLOSED BOOK test. No notes or text books are allowed. A paper English dictionary and a university approved calculator may be used. Statistical Tables are not required If you leave the room during the test you may not re-enter. You may not leave within the last 5 minutes of the test On the Answer Sheet provided indicate your answer by circling whichever option A, B, C, D or E applies. There is ONE correct answer for each question. If you select more than one answer then you will receive zero marks for that question, even if one of the answers you have selected is correct. So select only one answer. There are 30 questions on this paper. Each correct answer will gain 1 mark. If you make a mistake, correct the mistake and make sure that your final choice of answer is clearly indicated. If your answer is not clear then marks cannot be awarded. At the end of the test hand your completed Answer Sheet and this Question Paper to the tutor. To prevent cheating, there are many different versions of the test being used. The only way we can tell which paper you have answered is if we receive your Question Sheet at the end of the test. The Question Sheet must have your name on it. DO NOT ask another student to hand in your papers. ----------------------- TEST PAPER No. Name: …………………………………………………. Student...
Words: 275 - Pages: 2
...Essay On many issues, we fully believe in the opinion of experts. It does not really pondering how the expert is competent, and whether he had a personal interest in the problem that interests us. Should I trust the "authoritative opinion" as to determine who to trust and who not? Possible answers to these questions invite Noreena Hertz. And whether or not to trust her "expert" opinion decide for yourself, everyone has their own point of view. On the one hand, in fact, experts often make mistakes. Examples include mass. For example, according to statistics, doctors make mistakes in diagnosis in 40 percent of cases. About the economic outlook and say nothing. Yes, the weather forecast is sometimes impossible to believe! Causes of error may be very different from honest mistakes, to selfish interest. I believe that the area where experts can "make a mistake," it is a criminal case. Revealed many cases of extreme bad faith, and in some cases, illegal activities of the investigator in respect of the order of appointment and examination by agreement with the expert "pull" the results of examination for the findings. Or production at the request of the investigator, without examination of materials provided by the expert for the research. On the other hand, the experts - it is basically highly qualified employees of their areas. They receive higher education and practical training for scientific and research companies, and I believe their word can be trusted. For example, many...
Words: 346 - Pages: 2
...character of the short story “Save as many as you ruin”. He has a daughter, Lucy, whose mother, Issy, died tragically many years prior to when the story takes place. Gerard has made many mistakes in his life, and in the story we hear about how he recovers from one of the biggest ones, when he once again meets the love of his life after many years of separation. The themes and topics discussed in the text include making mistakes, losing and finding love, coincidences and being a spectator in life. We are introduced to Gerard as a pensive man who wanders in the snow, deep in thoughts about his life and how short and insignificant it is. “Gerard thinks of his own footprints and how soon they will disappear. He exhales into the world and his breath disappears. (…) He wonders if his life is an extraordinary one” (p. 1, l. 7-9). Although he does ponder a lot about whether or not he is making the best of his life, he is not active in doing anything about the things that he may be discontent with. He gave in to temptation once when he initiated the affair with Issy, a mistake that turned out to be a fatal turning point in his life. He lost Laurel, the love of his life. He also lost Issy, which must have caused a lot of pain and regret even though he never loved her. But in spite of all the trouble his past mistake causes him, he also gains what turns out to be the most precious thing around which his life evolves - his beloved daughter, Lucy. She and Laurel are the only two “women” he has...
Words: 948 - Pages: 4
...A. The key processes used by Pizza Inc. at their individual site locations: * On the job training is the primary method for employees to learn policies and procedures. * An order will come into Pizza Inc. it will be written down on pre-numbered pads. The date, time of call, name, address, phone number, type of crust, and toppings requested are all taken down. If mistakes are made the pre-numbered order form will be thrown out and a new sheet will be used. * After the order is taken the employee will then calculate the pricing using hand calculators and give the customer a price and then record it on the order form. * Shift manager then check every order to make sure that the information is complete prior to processing the order. * The orders are then made using instructions that have the proper quantity of ingredients for each pizza. * Oven temperatures are monitored closely to make sure pizza is cooked correctly. Cook time is monitored using a centrally located wall clock. Cooking guidelines are posted for each pizza to tell what to do if the pizza is overcooked. * After the pizza is done an employee will cut, box and hand labeled for delivery. * Deliveries are assigned to the next driver based on first in first out method. The benchmark delivery time is 25 minutes from the time the order was placed. * The manager checks the inventory on hand at the end of each shift. B. Ten business risks for Pizza Inc...
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...Project One Revised Steve Maraboli once said "Don't confuse poor decision-making with destiny. Own your mistakes. It’s ok; we all make them. Learn from them so they can empower you”. Everyone makes mistakes, and if thoughts of disagreeing with this theory come to mind, one is being made right now. Being dedicated to go out and earn money and do something is good, yet there are times when it is better to stop and look at the situation at hand. Usually when your body says “no” listening might be the best choice in this case. I felt myself getting ill, but I kept ignoring it and saying it would be fine, but that was not the case. Maybe ignorance is not always bliss. If a strange feeling occurs while doing something usually it is a sign to be listened to or be aware of. In my case, I completely decided to forget the way I felt, thinking it was just a weird day .My boss asked me for a certain errand to be done at work. I work at my old high school, so she is like family to me.I could not say no. She needed me to clean out the school book room that based what I saw has not been touched in ages. Inside of me was a feeling that thought “there no way I can do this”. I fell horrible, yet my dedication to this job was stronger so I pushed on. How can I say no this job, the people working there have been there for me through high school. Always helping no matter how big or small...
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...A Faulty Budget Company’s property is threatened by Daniel’s mistake because the company is going to take more time and money to hire additional employees based on Daniels’ wrong analysis. Daniels’ right to privacy is threatened by himself because he is thinking about telling Pete his mistake. Company’s and Pete’s rights to truth are threatened by Daniels. Daniels should tell them the right analysis so that the outcome of prediction is not a surprise to the company and Pete, and any potential damage to the company will be lessened. Daniels’ right to promise is threatened by himself. If he covers up the mistake, he will break the promise he made to the company: be honest and be responsible for the every work. No one’s right to body is threatened by others in this case because no one is threatened to physical safety from serious pain and harm. Fairness/Justice It is unfair between Daniels and Pete. If Daniels covers up the mistake, Pete, the innocent person who acts on the numbers to hire additional workers, will definitely hire more employees, which will generate a loss to the company. If so, Pete will probably be responsible for Daniels’ mistake. It is unfair between what Daniels earned and what Daniels received. If the actual sales number matches the predicted number, this achievement should be an accident. Daniels does not deserve it, because the actual sales number is not his real analysis (he lied). Daniels should not...
Words: 412 - Pages: 2
...Arsalan Vohra Sonny's Blues Research Paper The narrator in the story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin, has a very deep connection with his family. His brother Sonny isn't very good at making decisions and is on the path to destroy his life. Will Sonny ever learn from his mistakes and see the road to success? Sonny is a very stubborn kid who doesn't listen to anyone and does only what he wants. The narrator has to put him back on the right track and has to play a mature roll on him just like his father did with his own brother also. The narrator and his family aren't very happy with Sonny but they don't have any idea about Sonny's hidden talent. Sonny's proves them wrong and can now be called a responsible person. Judging people can be a person's biggest mistake. People need time to realize the reality of life and just need to be patient for their time to come. Even Sonny's family had given up on him but Sonny always knew their was light in his future somewhere and was eager to shine. He has done a lot of bad things and has made mistakes in the past but he doesn't let that affect his future. “Sonny Blue’s” takes place in Harlem around the early 1950’s. Sonny ends up having to turn towards drugs because he feels trapped in his surroundings. The story explains the theme of suffering experienced by african individuals. They are constantly getting discriminated against, becoming unemployment, and therefore turning into drug addicts . The narrator...
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