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1984 Allegory Analysis

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George Orwell’s 1984 was published in 1949, and after 68 years, some people remark that the novel made an accurate, terrifying prediction about topics such as the abuse of positively connotative language and surveillance. However, ~380 BC, Plato managed to curate a dialogue about the human experience that, with utmost precision, nails the flaw of humanity that has, in recent times, been insidiously abused. This is impressive considering the strength the dialogue still holds after the span of ~2,389 years of its existence. Because of how unambiguous yet concise the allegory is at portraying the faults in human perception, it can be perfectly applied to the current issues of the agenda and its forced ideological subscription. In order to …show more content…
This absence of intent gives heightened contrast to the fact that the state of believing such surreality is perpetuated by the prisoners themselves. This is why the ability to manipulate what the prisoners see in the fire is so insidiously strong; one can show them just a single image, and they will trip over each other, fighting to believe in it themselves. There are some implications within the allegory that shows it is nigh impossible for a prisoner to escape this mental state. The first part is from Glaucon’s comment where he assumes the prisoners are unusual people, but Socrates states, “They are very much like us humans.” Glaucon thinking that the prisoners are unusual could be translated to the prisoners thinking that Glaucon, and anyone not following their views are the unusual ones. A small detail in the allegory shows that the exit to the cave is a “rough and steep ascent,” and this description showcases the stubbornness and difficulty for the prisoners to see anything past the ideology they have shackled themselves to. To be clear, however, it was not the complete fault of the prisoners that they were shackled and exposed to ideology. The fault of our population of tragic heroes comes from not

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