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20th Century Torture

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Throughout time, torture has been used to extract important information from people who are unwilling to give it. Some argue that it is a necessary, justified and effective way of forcing someone to release vital information they may not have wanted to, while others argue it is unjustified, unnecessary, violent and inhumane. Governments sometimes characterise torture as an indispensable interrogation tool for gathering strategic intelligence. However as highlighted by countless historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Greek philosopher Aristotle, torture is almost always pointless because most people, if put in sufficient pain, will say absolutely anything to stop it (Scott, 1995). Therefore this essay sets out to argue that torture …show more content…
(Wisnewski, 2010). Alec Mellor suggests three reasons for this re-emergence including; a new conception of state power, with the rise of totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Maoist China, new modes of warfare that demanded immediate intelligence which led to an increase in torture, and a new exotic appeal regarding the spy, coupled with the view that no restraints should be imposed on the treatment of prisoners. (Mellor, 1949) Christopher Einolf has furthered Mellor’s summations stating that “the quantity, intensity and nature of military conflict” including the taking of prisoners of war by both sides during World War 2 led to the re-emergence of torture as a state operation. However following WWII and its monumental atrocities committed throughout, the nations of the world came together in an attempt to end the serious human rights abuses. Modern international law has been shaped by WWII and the UN Convention against Torture was born out of the worldwide shock and horror at mans inhumanity to man during the global conflict. Despite this crack down on global torture, it still exists today and as outlined by Amnesty International “over 150 countries, including France, the USA and the United Kingdom have engaged in torture during the period between 1997 and

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