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3rd Crusade Failure

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Bryant Kang
Mr. Ryan
Humanities 10
The Third Crusade
The Christians in Western Europe and Muslims in the Middle East were in a constant religious battle during the 12th century because the Roman Catholic Church wanted to take control of the holy land, Jerusalem. In order to conquer Jerusalem, the Church initiated crusades, also known as military campaigns or holy wars. The First Crusade was successful as Jerusalem fell under the European control, but not so much for the following crusades. The Second Crusade was a disaster, as Europeans failed to conquer any land from the Muslims. This led to the Third Crusade in which three kings, ‘Richard the Lionheart’ of England, ‘Phillip II Augustus’ of France, and ‘Frederick Barbarossa,’ joined …show more content…
Frederick and the Byzantines tried there best, leading a great army to regain the Holy Land of Christ. They tried their best to reach Jerusalem, but eventually it was a unsuccessful crusade just like the first two crusades. Three particular things caused the Third Crusade to also be a failure and those three things included: small conflicts between The Roman Empire and the Byzantine, the death of Frederick, and the people’s purpose for participating in the Crusades. As the main goal of the Crusade was to regain the land of Jerusalem, most of the people cared only about their own wealth, leaving right after they were satisfied with whatever the were able to gain from the adventure to Jerusalem. Most of the people forgetting the main purpose of getting the Holy Land back was a huge factor that caused the Third Crusade to fail. Despite the people having prepared a great army with its unbelievable organization, they were satisfied with whatever small thing they achieved, being ignorant of that fact that a the Holy Land was the main part of this whole mission. As a result, people’s greed was a huge factor in the unsuccessfulness of the Third …show more content…
Trying to reach for their objectives was a disaster. Lying, tricking, stealing, greed were all traits that the nation, people and kings had that contributed to the failure of the Third Crusade. Although there were times where the Holy Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire were both prepared to take on their enemies, they were distracted by each other and power that they forgot the purpose of fighting. This caused the nations to fall and fail to be able to defeat Saladin. They lost trust for each other and wasted great amounts of resources just for this crusade. Unfortunately for them, it wasn’t all worth is for each king that contributed and sacrificed their own and nation’s wealth for they did not get what they first tried achieving for. Power and wealth are two scary things that could change someone’s way of thinking which exactly happened in the Third Crusade, resulting in a

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