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6 Principles of Persuation


Submitted By alosaimi
Words 572
Pages 3
About the Six Principles
The Six Principles of Influence (also known as the Six Weapons of Influence) were created by Robert Cialdini, Regents' Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. He published them in his respected 1984 book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion."
Cialdini identified the six principles through experimental studies, and by immersing himself in the world of what he called "compliance professionals" – salespeople, fund raisers, recruiters, advertisers, marketers, and so on. (These are people skilled in the art of convincing and influencing others.)
The six principles are as follows:
1. Reciprocity
As humans, we generally aim to return favors, pay back debts, and treat others as they treat us. According to the idea of reciprocity, this can lead us to feel obliged to offer concessions or discounts to others if they have offered them to us. This is because we're uncomfortable with feeling indebted to them.
For example, if a colleague helps you when you're busy with a project, you might feel obliged to support her ideas for improving team processes. You might decide to buy more from a supplier if they have offered you an aggressive discount. Or, you might give money to a charity fundraiser who has given you a flower in the street.
2. Commitment (and Consistency)
Cialdini says that we have a deep desire to be consistent. For this reason, once we've committed to something, we're then more inclined to go through with it.
For instance, you'd probably be more likely to support a colleague's project proposal if you had shown interest when he first talked to you about his ideas.
3. Social Proof
This principle relies on people's sense of "safety in numbers."
For example, we're more likely to work late if others in our team are doing the same, put a tip in a jar if it already contains money, or eat in a

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