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7 Popular Myths About Relationships Research Paper

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Debunked: 7 Popular Myths About Relationships
1. “We’re not compatible”

Compatibility is a myth. It is mostly respect that partners lack for each other. Experts have said that there is no such thing as compatibility. But then why do so many relationships break because of incompatibility? The reason is simple: there’s a clash of ideals. One or both partners have high standards which they think that the other person is unable to meet. This is the sole cause of incompatibility. Compatibility is a choice.


2. “You can’t have it all”

Many people argue that if you have a fantastic career you can’t have an awesome family life and vice versa. This is totally BS! The argument in its favor is invisible there is no correlation between a fantastic career and life partner. In life there will always be ups and downs. Sometimes your family will demand more of your attention, sometimes your partner. What you need is someone who is willing to walk through all that with you. …show more content…
“You’re in a toxic relationship…. You fight too much”

Nowadays the word toxic is thrown around so frequently that the real abusive relationships have lost their meaning. News Flash: just because you fight doesn’t mean you are in a toxic relationship. True, sometimes the situations can be messy. What you probably need is for both partners to WANT to work it out. You need to talk out your expectations and COMMUNICATE. On the flip side, a conflict is the best time to come closer to your partner by increasing mutual understanding.

4. “Love is all you need to

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