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Field Experience Research Paper

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Learning from experience is one of the best modes of learning. This is because one gets to learn from their own mistakes and they can understand how to do things right. Experiential learning has produced the best experts in the world. This is why all education systems require a field experience. Field experience has changed a lot of minds and influenced decision making. Through field experience, people have made significant career decisions courtesy of a critical incident or general knowledge.
This essay explores a school experience marred by lack of administration and proper personnel and facilities to handle special needs cases. The experience is a teaching assistant who is in a school that doesn't have steady top-level leadership which is very critical in every institution. Further, it has admitted a student who needs particular attention since he has been diagnosed with Craniosynostosis and has significant complex needs yet it lacks the proper personnel with expertise on how to handle such a case. This situation forces the teaching assistant to step up and take it upon themselves to find ways in which they can help this student. Choosing education as a profession is considered more of a calling …show more content…
These two elements describe the way professionals can make decisions on how to confront the issue at hand. One is Reflection in action. Here a professional can use the experience at hand by forming possible theories in their mind and working around them through various sources of knowledge to find a solution. In the case of this pupil, this is the best notion of technical rationality that was used. This is because once this teaching assistant saw him and was able to empathize, she sought to find information about how to confront the situation. This as he describes it "Learning on your feet." It is technically displayed by this teaching assistant who researches and finds information, which he, in turn, uses it to help the

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