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8th Grade Honor Research Paper

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I am fit to take eighth grade honors science this year for many reasons. First off, I have had a unique education that I believe has been one of the key factors that has lead up to my current level of intelligence. I attended a homeschooling program at an early age during kindergarten and first grade. Though I had little experience socially, I excelled in my studies. My mom would give me a first grade math workbook and less than a month later she would have to but the next grade book because even at the age of 6, I knew that I wanted to learn as much I as possibly could. I was never exposed to television, the internet, or even people my age until second grade. My mom decided that I would get a better education if I attended public school with …show more content…
At the time I wouldn't know it, but this choice would change the rest of my educational journey. I passed said test with flying colors and spent the rest of my elementary years in the same class with the same people. Even in the “advanced” class I don't ever really remember being challenged when it came to academics. I continued on to middle school where I, again, passed all my classes, which were honors, with an A in each class spare social studies which I got an A- in. I have always loved learning and school as it is the reason I'm here now rather than stuck in a class where I am never truly challenged. Science was one of my favorite subjects in school, especially engineering projects. I have told you this before but I have wanted to be an engineer since I was five years old. I remember that all the girls in my class wanted to be princesses and the boys wanted to be superheroes, but I wanted to be like my dad and take on the challenge of engineering. Little did I know at the time but many people thought that only men could be engineers, and I don't blame them as it's seen throughout history that men engineer and women stay at home washing dishes or painting their

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